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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ilhan Omar Claims Trump Wants All ‘Black’ and ‘Brown’ People ‘Deported’

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Somalia) claimed over the weekend that President Donald Trump is a “racist” and wants every “black” and “brown” person “deported” from the United States.

“You all should end this charade and accept that this racist president wants every black/brown person deported and Muslims banned,” Omar tweeted on Saturday in response to a video critiquing President Trump for urging the far-left Democrat “Squad” to leave the country over their repeated attacks on the U.S.

“His immigration policies say this much!” she added.



  1. WRONG just Muslims who use a fake name and lie on Immigration paperwork and IRS paperwork and who are Infiltrators to the US govt.

  2. Politicians always lie, whether its the little lie or the Big Lie.

  3. It would be nice, but will never happen.

  4. Take note of how Trump never makes a bumbling mistake like the left media accuses him of.Everything he says and does is carefully calculated.The 4 in question thought they were flying under the radar.Their actions behind the scenes gave them away.

  5. Have immigration laws changed much since Obama? Nope, just the enforcement.

  6. Better stay away from the beach, a sun tan gets you deported

    1. Only if you come in the county illegally SNOWFLAKE.

  7. Tell her to shut up and go marry her sister.

  8. Omar needs to be removed from her position surely the people that voted for her and supported her early on must realize the error of she in any position. Impeach, fire her, hold another quick election anything to be rid of her. She is making her position, the Democrats, and any that fear her want another shot at removing her.

  9. Nope, just haters of America need leave or die.

  10. Joe
    Trump just issued that 3.1 million scammers on EBT Welfare will be removed from getting assistance NO more crabs shrimp lobster lol.

  11. Great Idea though !!! LOL But it is THEM that = Racist !!!

  12. That is what Lincoln Failed to do after the Civil War !!!
    All , who were wrongly brought here , Returned to their home

    Not left here to Hate forever !!!

  13. America wants ALL Enemies (Like THEM) Deported !!!!

  14. Hahaha Democrat from somolia? Dont they usually put the state they rep there

  15. It's hard for me to take these women seriously.

  16. I wonder where these cowards will be when the civil war starts ? In a bunker with all the other Coward Dems.

  17. All Real Americans want these Traitors / Enemies OUT !!!

  18. Hey if they just happen to be a certain Color / that makes

    NO DIFFERENCE !!!! They just HIDE behind Color all

    the time & use it to Get Out of Jail Free Card !!!!

    Bad is Bad regardless What COLOR !!!!

  19. Gee guys, now that you mentioned it, that would be swell, fellows.

  20. Northwest Woodsman: I’d call that a good beginning. I’d like to see us go back to a demographic balance of what it was in, let’s say, 1960.

  21. THEY should be Deported !!! Problem Solved LOL

  22. America is a WHITE & Christian Country like it or Not !!!

    The rest are MINORITY !!! Get used to the MAJORITY !!!

  23. That comment she made makes her not fit for office,all Democrats want to do is divide this country making Soros proud.

  24. Leftmedia promotes dividing the country.

  25. Typical democrat. All democrats are liars who lie constantly. The President never said or even hinted at any such thing but democrats all being nothing but useless lying rank garbage will never admit this. What the President has said is we don't want other countries criminals and that if someone finds it so bad here go back to where they originated from and fix that. But again all democrats are liars so will never tell the truth about what he has said.

  26. Lincoln would have sent them back to Africa but he ran into a little problem at Ford's Theatre one night.

  27. Lincoln SHOULD have sent them ALL BACK !!! Period

    Otherwise the Civil war was All for Nothing !!!

  28. Send OUT ALL Democrats in congress !!! To start with

  29. Aren't They Gone yet ?? Lets's Get Going (Back ) !!!


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