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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

I Wonder If The Local NAACP President Will Call Me Racist For This Post Too?

I'll never forget NAACP President Mary Ashante saying to me, "black people can be racist too" after learning the articles I had published were written by black people and she considered those articles racist. Boy was she surprised when she learned who the authors were. 


  1. Boy did she say a mouthful when she said black people can be racist too, never anyone more racist than she herself. And yes, I know her.

  2. Wouldn't worry if she did! Remember, today the definition of racist is: "One with whom I disagree, but against who's arguments I have no rational rebuttal."

  3. Th definition of a racist if they're mouth is moving and negative then they are lying.

  4. She could read the phone book and I'd listen.

  5. She’s been the Prez for 20 years. Is NAACP involvement so low that no one has come along to replace her? Or, more likely, she holds the reigns tight enough to keep her position. If she were actually good at what she does she would have moved up in the organization.


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