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Saturday, July 13, 2019

I Miss 9/12


  1. The time made us appreciate what we had love for all Americans we appreciated how this country stood together shoulder to shoulder. We had many great heroes who sacrificed their lives to save others at the Towers, Pennsylvania flight, the Pentagon. We were not demolishing statues, history, and dividing the country with racism and hating our own country. Thank you for posting this 9/12 REMEMBER.

  2. That's because Dems aka Soros want to destroy Christian America for world open Muslim boarders look at ENGLAND.

  3. Who ever was responsible for 9/11 thought it would cripple and demoralize us and we would falter and cower in shock. Exactly the opposite took place. The principal unifying spirit of Liberty that defines and binds us surged. Heroes far out numbered what was to have been paralyzing losses. The sleeping giant is not our military or economic might it's the resolve of our people and their emotional and physical investment in the most successful and righteous social collective in human history.

  4. So very TRUE !!!!

  5. I remember, after picking up my kids from school and letting them know all was ok, I went to the blood bank to donate as I do on many major catastrophes.
    But on 9-11, I had to wait 3 hours as many other good Americans were doing the same.
    It made me feel good to see so many people helping fellow Americans, all of whom they never met.
    Let's make America great again!!!!

  6. @11:26 No, the people that carried out 9/11 needed Americans to die on their behalf as their policy of eternal tyranny is quickly becoming impossible to maintain.


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