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Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Home Depot shoppers call for boycott over co-founder's support for Donald Trump

Consumers have taken to social media to call for a boycott of Home Depot after the company's co-founder, Bernie Marcus said he would be donating to President Donald Trump's re-election campaign.

Marcus spoke on his support of Trump in an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. While he criticized the president's communication skills, Marcus admired him for "boosting U.S. jobs, confronting China on trade and taking action against Iranian and North Korean aggression."

"He's got a businessman's common sense approach to most things," he told AJC. "Now, do I agree with every move he makes? No, I don't, but the truth is he has produced more than anybody else. He has. If we look at this country I would say we are better off today than we were eight years ago or six years ago."



  1. Probably won't bother Home Depot a bit. Most of the snowflakes don't know how to do a bit of home improvement.

  2. I knew I liked Home Depot for a reason...

  3. and yet the snowflakes are in denial of the facts. You go home depot...

  4. Makes me want to only shop at Home Depot

  5. Home Depot it is lowes is a terrible store to begin with Trump 2020

  6. Didn't these b!+ches learn anything from Chic fil a. I'll be sure to shop Depot this weekend.

  7. Lets fill home depot with more customers than ever before.

  8. Lets fill Home Depot with more customers than ever before.


  9. Both HD & Lowe's do a pretty good job; ACE & Tractor Supply are friendly, too.

    Snowflakes can go to their safe space and wear their nikes at starbucks.

  10. bought supplies at the Depot just yesterday,
    Will be back there again tomorrow...Trump 2020

  11. my toy store for sure!

  12. going to home depot today. Trump 2020

  13. You shop where you want and I will shop where I want! Thank God for the freedom of choice and President Trump for protecting that freedom.


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