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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Here's who Democrats are praising when they praise Al Sharpton

In the past few days, Democrats have lined up to praise the legacy of Al Sharpton.

Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden called him a "champion in the fight for civil rights." Sen. Elizabeth Warren declared he "has dedicated his life to the fight for justice for all." Sen. Kamala Harris said Sharpton "has spent his life fighting for what's right and working to improve our nation, even in the face of hate."

For those who were too young or who grew up outside of the New York area, Sharpton may be just a standard issue liberal activist or goofy television personality. But in reality, Sharpton is much more sinister than that: he is a vile Jew hater with blood on his hands.



  1. If they are for a race hater and someone who never has paid his taxes then they are just stupid. Maybe if we all quit paying taxes then they would look after us, maybe instead of the immigrants lives they care so much about and a white woman wanting to declare herself and American Cherokee, which was proved through DNA she is not, they would realize she was only after that groups votes ask yourself what other lies has she perpetuated through out her life. Take a real close look at these candidates in their years of service and how many times they have tried to change the facts. Look at they're WHOLE RECORD and the up and down roller coaster of deceit.

  2. Why is sharpton still walking the streets. He should be in prison for all that he has done. The only reason that I can see is because he's black


  3. Sharpton is a con-man and race hustler. Period. We have various real problems to address all over the country but he isn't the answer to any of them. He runs his mouth only to put gas on a fire. It'll be progress when he fades from the scene.

  4. Why isn't sharpscum in prison ? For tax evasion.

  5. Why isn't sharpscum in prison ? For tax evasion.

  6. HAHAHA. They meant he's lining his pockets like they do.


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