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Monday, July 01, 2019

Here’s Undeniable Proof That the Media Despises Trump

Covering politics with a sense of fairness requires journalists to acknowledge that politicians, even the ones they despise, at some point, somewhere, on some matter, do something right.

Not so President Donald Trump. Journalists simply cannot admit that anything Trump has done or is doing or thinking is good for the United States because it will reflect positively on him. That they just won’t allow.

Since he announced his run for president, Trump has drawn more negative press than any presidential candidate or president in history. Trump’s staunchest enemies—liberals and Never-Trumpers alike—will argue that this is the truly objective, fair, and accurate read on the present condition.



  1. That just proves he is doing everything right

  2. Don't take Trump for granted. Get out and vote. We all know that it is going to be a dirty election by the Democrats.

  3. "breaking news"

    I don't what the media think.

  4. You are the same people that said "what books do you read" when addressed to Sarah Palin was "gotcha journalism". You have ZERO credibility in this area

  5. We need proof??

  6. Northwest Woodsman: it takes super human strength and self confidence to persevere under the circumstances that president Trump has been subjected to. He, however seems to keep a positive attitude and keeps on fighting for those of us who are not bed wetting Marxist democrats. If those clowns showed him respect and admiration, I’d be suspicious. He is definitely doing the right things because the Marxists are furious that he is interfering with their agenda that had made so many advances during the Clinton, Bush and Kenyan administrations.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: I forgot to add that , self admittedly, over 90% of all our media is owned and operated by a group that has been ejected from over 100 countries over the centuries for their disloyalty and crooked business dealings.

  8. Just watch Gail King anytime she doesn't miss a chance to jab Trump or make a face anytime she reads anything with his name. She is a political racist if the person running isn't black then she takes all the jabs she wants and nothing is done to take her off the air.

  9. She was taught racism from the best of racists...........her good buddy Oprah. She has a good teacher. She doesn't make a face like she's smelling sh%t when she speaks of Obamas tho.


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