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Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Hearse gets pulled over in HOV lane, claims body counts as passenger

LAS VEGAS (KSNV) — When you're a traffic cop, you've probably heard everything but as the City of Las Vegas begins enforcing the new HOV lanes, drivers are becoming increasingly creative.

Trooper Smaka pulled over a Chrysler van early Monday and as Smaka confronted the driver on why the van was violating the HOV lane law, the driver said "he doesn't count" referring to the deceased body in the cargo area.

The trooper gave the driver a warning, and told him to move out of the lane.



  1. Grave offense. Hope he kept a stiff upper lip when replying to the officer.

  2. Northwest Woodsman: I’d say that technically the driver is correct. He is carrying a passenger albeit one at ambient temperature. I would not have cited him.


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