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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Having Fun At Tawes Crab and Clam Bake

Members of the Wicomico Republican Central Committee, Wicomico County Councilman Larry Dodd and Governor Hogan enjoying the Tawes Crab and Clam Bake.


  1. is that Julie with a BEER in her hand?

    1. Sure is...she will NEVER learn.

  2. Is that Julie trying to hide her beer?

  3. How about fixing up that POOR town who always feeds these
    politicians every year, who do nothing in return for them !!!!

    SAD !!

  4. Not trying to be rude but gym memberships are needed.

    1. they want Kegs over a six pack man

    2. Lol love this!

  5. Is that Julie with a drink in her hand? Somebody better have taken her car keys!

  6. Poor Julie wants to be in that sorry example of Republicans club!! Is that a beer in her hand, again?? Hogan needs to put a bra on his tits are bigger than the lady standing bext to him, LMFAO

  7. What a RINO POS that hogan is, he can't be finished soon enough

  8. What’s that in Brewington’s hand?

  9. OMG what the hell is she wearing?

  10. Why is She included in that group??
    Is she an elected official??
    Did I miss an Election?
    EMRBAA !

  11. The two females next to Hogan are on the Wicomico County Central Committee and they were supporting Progressive Democrat Jake Day all day long.

  12. Hey Larry looks like you healed up well!! Take some advice lose the hideous self absorbed shirts already. You and Day and Anderton aren't in grade school any longer you Don't need a name tag

  13. Looks like she missed a bathroom break in those white shorts too!

  14. neither of those 2 ladies live in Salisbury so neither of them can vote for either of them for Mayor. Just so you know.

  15. Needed a wide angle lens for that shot!

  16. Larry should be at the Gym not the Clam Bake!
    Got a beer belly going on?

  17. All Political Crap every year , Feeding these politicians
    every year , in a forgotton, Poor , rundown , town .

    Just so the good ole boys of Md Govt can have a Free
    seafood bash.

    When they go home, everything back to Normal > Dead Town !!!

  18. He should fix that Corrupt Dirty Prison (ECI) while he is here!

  19. Not many people from Crisfield can afford to go anymore. It's just a political circle jerk.

  20. that sea food bash is not free. Its 50$ a ticket. Plus the cost of the tents.

  21. Still haven't figured out the obsession in paying all that money to sit in sweltering heat eating crabs and drinking warm beer. Then you have to look at these idiots trying to seem relevant? No thanks

  22. Julie is not going to be found at any kind of function without her booze. I am glad I wasn't driving on that road going out of Crisfield with Julie out there driving on it. I'm scared of that road anyway and the thought of driving on it with Julie trying to maneuver her was along that road all drunked up is freightening,. She should be going to AA meetings instead of drinking venues.

  23. LOL what a bunch of azz clowns Democrats dressed in Republican clothes the it's all about what I can get in my pockets crowd jokers

  24. July 20, 2019 at 9:37 PM:

    That is one beer drinking event you will never see a DWI checkpoint set up for. Its a political event. Cops never go after the ones that can pull their budgets out from under them.

  25. Dodd, you're getting really unhealthy looking.

  26. Keep these Baltimorones back over to that side of Bay !!!!

    No More Free Crab feasts for these politicians !!!! They pay 0

  27. What's up with Dodd and his name tag everywhere he goes? You're a frickin county council member for God sake, and that's in the laughing stock of Maryland-- Salisbury wicomico county

  28. The more beer I drink the better Julie looks but I've only had 10 so far so I still have a long way to go.

  29. Yes Dirty Politicians having FUN !!!!

    1. Please enlighten me on the fun part of a 100 degree day eating crabs and drinking warm beer again?? Then to to it off you have to see the likes of Hogan and doddsD out of shape asses taking pictures with these "lovely ladies"

  30. Did Pelosi attend ??

  31. Fat Cats having fun , who care not about locals !!!!

  32. IMHO - they can have the event, but without me. Plain-and- simple it is to hot to be outside.

  33. ALL Political Bullshhhhht !!! Every Year

  34. What's that in her right hand? I know it's beer in the left one, but that right one looks kinda suspicious.

  35. What a bunch of hypocrite commenters. Having a beer with the Governor at a crab feast. Like you wouldn't.

  36. @9:34 wtf is so special about drinking a beer with that lying POS?

  37. Better thinht to do than be around a bunch of fake ass liars!! Hogan wouldn't know the truth if he fell over it no wonder Jake Day worships him. He should've stopped in and checked on the ECI circus while he was down. And what's up with the presidential style motorcade when this idiot comes around? What a f'in clown

  38. Julie.........did you pee your pants again? I thought we had you housebroke.


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