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Thursday, July 11, 2019

GOP campaign tells female journalist she can't shadow candidate without male colleague

A female reporter in Mississippi is accusing a Republican gubernatorial candidate of sexism after he refused her request to shadow him on the campaign trail.

Rep. Robert Foster's, R-Hernando, campaign reportedly told Larrison Campbell of Mississippi Today that her presence might stoke speculation about an affair between the two.

Colton Robison, Foster's campaign director, offered Campbell an opportunity to follow the candidate but said she would need a male colleague accompanying her, she said in an article in her paper Tuesday.

“Perception is everything," Campbell quoted Robison as saying. "We are so close to the primary. If (trackers) were to get a picture and they put a mailer out, we wouldn’t have time to dispute it. And that’s why we have to be careful."



  1. yes, Yes is a Catch2(2). This was a "set up" ((Trap)). The 'truth'.! You see if with Your Own Mind's Eyes! So do I. Those who wanderer, fellow travelers, seek but Do Not Find.!

  2. Sounds totally logical to me, especially in the "Gotcha" times we live in today.

  3. This is sad that people have to do this now becasue everyone is lawsuit happy and always trying to ruin someones life politically...

  4. As usual the left makes this complete and logical idea into something bad.

  5. After seeing the Kavanaugh hearings, I don't blame any guy for playing it safe. It becomes a he-said / she-said and the liberal media always believes the wrong person.

  6. Pence will not alone in the company of a female with out mommy ( his wife)

  7. I am female and I don't blame him one bit !
    There are shady people of both sexes trying crap all the time, its not about a gender war or discrimination, blah, blah, blah. It' about people (both sexes) that are jacked-up and always trying a scheme. You have to protect yourself!

  8. Another example of the #metoo backlash. I dont blame the campaign in the least. I've had female friends say they went into job interviews locally and had one extra person in the room as a witness, if the interviewer was a male.


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