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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Geese conversation on nextdoor platform

This was the first conversation between citizens and Jake's response

Below is the 2nd and most recent conversation between citizens. Jake usually sits on this platform and responds to everything, yet on this topic he has absolutely nothing to say, publicly, because he knows people are paying attention.


  1. Ah, that's it blame the federal government! I surprised he didn't come right out and say "Trump did it"!

  2. really? not a fan of this mayor but come on these geese are no longer migratory. they stay here year round and everyone that is born here will return to have their babies! disgusting vermin, nasty animals. cull them all. smash their eggs in the nest. release some coyotes, next the snowflakes will be crying for eliminating rats! if you are so concerned then take them to your yard and let them shit all over the place!

  3. I, personally, wish the USDA would do some more collections around town. While some may think they are fun to watch, you wouldn't think it was so much fun if they were destroying your property and couldn't even walk without having to dodge the crap that they leave everywhere. They are aggressive and will charge you if you get anywhere near them. And before you say don't go near them, I do need to get into my vehicle or house and have to cross their path to do so.

  4. BS Day liar. The USDA only gets involved when asked to get involved. They don't go around randomly setting up tents in the cover of darkness herding the geese in and gassing them to death.

  5. No Brainer
    City wanted geese out of the way for their folk party

    I could call it a lot of other thinks cluster etc is the best term

    Don't matter if citizens like the geese,
    Day wanted them gone then lied to those who contacted him

    Goose cop did not come to town with out being asked

  6. Time to get the word out and a Boycott the Sby Folk Festival due to this heinous action. It time to hold the liars accountable and to show them their lies have consequences As soon as they list a performer/ vendor I am going to contact them and have many others contact them and let them know they are participating in an event in a city in which the city killed geese in such a sneaky way.

  7. I'm glad to see the flying rats gone, but they're full of s* saying they were donated to "local shelters".

    Give me a break, who has the ability to process 400 geese into meat around here on short notice?

    Jake Day needs to provide proof of what shelters received the meat. Then let's ask the shelters if they even feel safe passing it out to people, or if the donation was politely accepted, then immediately thrown out if so.

  8. Yea that Kari person ..... I'm not a big fan. Hall monitor.

  9. If only there was this much concern for unborn human beings.

  10. Interesting convo - First the USDA said they will tell Jane who ordered it, and then - ask the Mayor, and then the Mayor says - what you talking about Willis?

    Too bad no one seems to know how to tell the truth around here.

  11. Kari is more worried about people going thru her unlocked car than the lack of transparency in city government and the slaughter of 400 geese. I got a tip, lock your car door and then you don't have to worry about it.

    400 geese just happen to "fly off" to a vacation destination. smh.

    Kari Abubakker
    28 Jun
    Why have we come to the conclusion that the geese were “taken”.? While I wish no harm on the geese, I was actually glad to see that they weren’t terrorizing the kids at the fun Friday at the zoo. Those geese can be mean. But who’s to say that they just didn’t migrate elsewhere.

    I think that there are other significant issues as well in our community that are a problem I.e. people looking through people’s vehicles.

  12. Kari Abubakker
    28 Jun
    No one is saying that- 1) how do we know they were taken?(and just didn’t move around like birds do) and 2) no one said to murder the geese! lol 😂 I just don’t like to see them terrorizing the kids and blocking traffic.

    Poor Kari, inconvenienced when our local wild life "blocks traffic". How horrific it must be for you. I wonder what it was like for the geese when families were rounded up and the parents had to watch their children being gassed to death?

    And honestly Kari, at the park I have seen children "terrorizing" the geese more than I have seen the geese bothering people. They usually try and avoid people. Are you one of those mothers that didn't teach their children to not chase them?

  13. July 12, 2019 at 9:02 AM The local news doesn't have the balls to print such a headline.

    Salisbury MD government orders the murder of 400 geese so they can pretty up the place for the National Folk Festival. Story at 5.

    Never happen.

    Makes you wonder if this was also done on a smaller scale last year and since they got away with it they got careless and went for it this year. There were lots of complaints in the beginning how the amphitheater was full of poop and then all of sudden ..... it was clean and no geese.

  14. I hate that the geese are gone - but it is true that the usda does this and not some podunk town. Whats the value in saying the city government did it when they didnt?"

  15. Get the word out to ALL potential sponsors, festival performers, their fans, all festival goers and wildlife organizations. Hit Day and his dreamers where it hurts - in the pocketbook and the public opinion polls.

  16. This is about truth and transparency. Citizens of Salisbury seem to be entitled to neither under Day’s administration. That’s sad. I know factually that in past years matters like this were brought to the council by the city administrator. There was discussion which the public was aware of and usually the decision was to shake the newly laid eggs or engage in other population control methods that discouraged population expansion. The city no longer belongs to residents, rather a small handful of people who think they’re way more important than they are and never miss an opportunity to dodge accountability or lie to the public.

  17. July 12, 2019 at 9:02 AM
    They do it when they are asked to do it. They do not arbitrarily come to your town and kill wildlife. They stated that in the thread. Try reading before commenting.

    Whats the value?
    Transparency. Government liars.

    Sorry you do not get the bigger picture. This solved nothing long term.

    Last year Joe published pictures of goose poop all over the amphitheater after it was build and all of sudden, no geese and no poop. Coincidence?

    Lets kill our inconvenient wild life because of 20 hour party? Is that what this community is all about? 20 hour party - did you get that part? kill 400 birds for a 20 hour party?

    Welcome to Salisbury.

  18. 8:54 is spot on, First the USDA or govt agency will not come out unless you complain enough or are asking them to at the behest o the city... Gay Day, complained and begged the USDA or what ever agency it is, to come out and get them... And the commented is right, Gay day wants them removed for the Folk festival that will flop again...

  19. The usda does it for a cost. Someone paid them. At least tell the truth. If you will lie about this, what else will you lie and hide. Character traits. Just saying. Ocean Pines admitted it when they were called out for it.

  20. Do you people know just how ignorant you sound defending Day? That's the problem with you people-you don't think. It's not only about geese but more importantly about the lack of transparency within this government and Day lying. If this is acceptable to you then that shows just how lacking in morals you all are. You people do not place a value on honesty and that in and of itself is very very disturbing. And just because you weren't raised by moral people doesn't mean you can't improve yourself and start demanding honesty.

  21. " Anonymous said...

    I hate that the geese are gone - but it is true that the usda does this and not some podunk town. Whats the value in saying the city government did it when they didnt?"

    July 12, 2019 at 10:27 AM"

    The USDA doesn't go around randomly do this. They are called for their help and they also charge a fee. The real issue is just how easily Day and the others can lie about it. That is extremely concerning and troubling and calls into question their honesty and shows a lack of a moral upbringing. That is not what anyone should want in elected officials nor should it ever ever be tolerated.

  22. Thumbs up, glad they are gone !

  23. So now we know Jake didn't come forward and become honest ,people were questioning why the geese had suddenly disappeared---dishonest Jake once more only trying to cover up what he had secretly done in the last 2 weeks. Liar, Liar again and again.


  24. Zowie. Most agree there are too many geese underfoot. And their bathroom habits are a problem. I concur.

    It's now pretty clear:

    USDA responds to requests rather than looking for vagrants.

    Someone in a position of authority with the city contacted USDA to arrange for the contract killing.

    No food pantry has raised their hand to say we got the ostensibly donated meat. What gives with that? Fair question for citizens to ask, and they deserve an honest answer.

    And if the mare has any influence at the zoo (animals, not his pals) why are they putting food out for these undesirables?

    Mr. Roundabout needs to get a new job, or at least lose the one he has now!

  25. Know what happens if the city puts out a notice beforehand about getting rid of the geese? Crazy protester people show up and things start to get out of hand.

  26. Jake is either lying or doesn't know what is going in the city. Either way neither is not a good thing!

  27. "Jake usually sits on this platform and responds to everything, yet on this topic he has absolutely nothing to say, publicly, because he knows people are paying attention."

    That is exactly what I was going to say. You are 100% Correct Joe, Jake Day lives on Nextdoor just like he does on FB and Twitter.

    I have seen Jake Day argue many times with citizens on Nextdoor. He is an ASS!! He is hiding out on this one but he read those comments and he is acting stupid... "Well let's ask the USDA." He knows damn well that he was behind calling the USDA to eradicate those damn geese. If you ever rode by the Salisbury Fire Department on Cyprus Street you would have seen those black dog silhouettes they were using to scare off the geese. They also put them in different city properties. Right there that is evidence the city was behind this massacre!

  28. Went golfing at the elks the other day - no more geese. I’m happy. It was getting so disgusting, you almost couldn’t play there. This is effective control of nuisance animals.

    But yeah, I don’t believe that homeless shelter nonsense. I’d like to see proof.

  29. A city resident needs to file a FOIA request for all information related to the geese and the euthanasia of them, including, but not limited to: e-mails, letters, bills, receipts, and minutes.

  30. July 12, 2019 at 9:35 PM

    Good luck with that.

    Wayne King, Mayor candidate,filed a FOIA for the folk festival asking for the financials and got NOTHING. The guy he filed with said he didn't have access to that information. What? Do these clowns know what a FOIA is?

    Jake and his merry band of snakes will hide the truth at any cost.

    1. They have a history of hiding info.


  31. Really? All this concern over the removal of an invasive, non-native, destructive species. Get a life folks.

  32. Kari Abubakker??

    Is she a Muslim or did she marry a Muslim?

  33. Good luck getting info from FOIA! I asked for the financials for last year's Folk Festival and they couldn't find them. Good luck with the geese! City is corrupt.

  34. Jake Day is a coward.

  35. I hope people remember how much of a liar Jake Day is in November.

    Wayne King, this should be one of your talking points for your election campaign. Good luck my friend, YOU have my vote. I'm voting for you and anyone running against Muir Boda.

  36. Sorry for the people that like the Geese, and now they are gone.
    But they are a PIA. They ruin Structures, Grass/Yards, Playgrounds.
    They are not a endangered species. They create havoc, cause accidents, create destruction, plus leave their feces everywhere.
    If you had these Geese in your yard, Day in and Day out, You would find a way to get rid of them. They attack people, and even kids.
    So for once, give Jake Day credit, Don't down him because he did something good. You are sounding like Democrats.

  37. 10:18
    He claims he knew nothing about it. So you can't give him credit. He knows nothing of what is going on in Salisbury.


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