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Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Gallup: Americans Radically Overestimate LGBT Population

Although U.S. adults think LGBT persons make up nearly 24% of the U.S. population, this is a dramatic overestimation, according to Gallup, which asserts that the LGBT population is in reality closer to 4.5%.

Gallup also reports that the percentage of Americans identifying as LGBT is most prevalent among millenials.

In its survey, Gallup asked, "Just your best guess, what percent of Americans today would you say are gay or lesbian?"

From the respondents' answers, the average was 23.6%. In other words, American adults think LGBT people make up nearly 24% of the population, which is more than 5 times the real percentage of 4.5%.

"[A]ll available estimates of the actual gay and lesbian population in the U.S. are far lower than what the public estimates," said Gallup, "and no measurement procedure has produced any figures suggesting that more than one out of five Americans are gay or lesbian."

Over-estimations of the LGBT population may be due to their "out-sized visibility" in the culture, especially through the media, said Gallup.



  1. And I bet it's not 4.5% either. Not even half that.

  2. so let's let 4% of the population dictate what 96% does. Media at its best, smoke and mirrors.

  3. So what? What am I supposed to do with this data?

    It's like, statistically speaking, it's way safer for kids to go outside and play than it ever has been, but parents are way more involved and protective than in the past.

    So what? What do we do with this info? To remind us our perceptions are often skewed and we should rely on the scientific method to form decisions?

    I think that's a good start.

  4. Burn AMERICAN flag Burn a gay flag.

  5. Grossly overinflated by democrats since there isn't a democrat alive (or dead) who/was is an honest person. The only time they didn't lie was when they called themselves nasty and nasty putrid lying degenerates they all are.

  6. Shows how uneducated we have become

  7. Media mind control

    Globalist Agenda

  8. Good news. The fewer the better.

  9. I don't know how many there are.........just that there are toooo many.


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