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Monday, July 08, 2019

Fresh Off Epstein Case Win, Mike Cernovich Launches Fundraiser to Unseal Congressional Sexual Harassment Deals

Fresh off a win after his lawsuit helped lead to Jeff Epstein’s arrest for sex trafficking, author and political commentator Mike Cernovich has launched a GoFundMe campaign to wage a legal battle to unseal deals made in sexual harassment cases involving members of Congress.

Cernovich had lead the charge against Epstein, filing a lawsuit to unseal a large amount of files in the case that were previously withheld from the public. Epstein was arrested on Saturday for allegedly sex trafficking dozens of minors in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005.

The court’s opinion in the case stated, “on January 19, 2017, Cernovich, an independent blogger and self‐described ‘popular political journalist,’ moved to intervene, seeking to unseal the summary judgment record, and Dershowitz joined his motion. On April 6, 2018, after the case had settled, the Herald moved to intervene and unseal the entire docket. The District Court granted each of these motions to intervene, but denied the related requests to unseal in orders entered November 2, 2016, May 3, 2017, and August 27, 2018, respectively.”

The renewed scrutiny following Cernovich’s lawsuit undoubtedly played a major role in the billionaire’s arrest.

Cernovich doesn’t plan to quit fighting for what is right after this massive victory, however.

On Sunday, the ‘Gorilla Mindset‘ author launched a GoFundMe campaign to unseal the records of sexual harassment and assault cases involving Congress. He noted that Congressmen have settled over 250 sexual harassment lawsuits using taxpayer money.



  1. It’s time to go after the politicians and their abuse of taxpayer dollars!

  2. And no matter if they are Democrats or Republicans the truth needs to be revealed. And all guilty parties need to pay back taxpayer money used to settle the lawsuits! Their crimes. They should pay!

  3. He is labeled as Alt-right and women hater by mainstream media. Weird how that is working out.

  4. 2:48 I would add they should have to resign immediately and never be allowed to serve in Public Office for life. Also if they are receiving and tax payer benefits, retirement checks and benefits related to their Public service should have to be revoked immediately and never reinstated. Also all expenses related to their sexual harassment case such as legal expense not just the settlement with interest of 25%.

  5. Man they can't do that shit there won't be anybody left in congress.

  6. Ream them out we love every bit of it.

  7. This is going to Elliot spitzer Al demato .


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