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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

FITTON: Congress Should Stop Wasting Time On Mueller — And Investigate Hillary Clinton’s Role In Steele Dossier

Congressional Democrats will finally get an opportunity to put on a public show starring former Special Counsel Robert Mueller when he appears before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.

Mueller was last seen at his May 29 press statement, in which he attacked President Trump by promoting a tenuous theory of obstruction of justice as grounds for impeachment. Mueller, despite the “no collusion, no obstruction” conclusion of his dubious report, smeared the president by presuming him guilty anyway, claiming he was not exonerated and signaled House Democrats to begin impeachment proceedings.

This hearing will give Mueller and the Democrats an opportunity to once again push the “destroy Trump” narrative and jump-start the impeachment process. Mueller’s testimony will be geared to that end. Democratic questions will seek to fill in the blanks to preserve Mueller’s manufactured reputation for probity. And the mainstream media will be primed — and probably pre-briefed — to drive the point home.



  1. OATH KEEPERS ... we do not like PALSJuly 24, 2019 at 11:50 PM

    Congressmen dont want
    to have heart attacks,

    fall out of buildings , ect

    that the Clinton's organize

  2. Come on

    Hillary is dead

  3. AG Barr is doing this quietly now - when he is finished, there will be a lot of nervous swamp creatures in DC

  4. I watched most of the mueller hearing, it was a complete failure and waste of time

  5. Of course it was a waste of time, that's what Pelosi, Schumer and all the dumbocrats do best.

  6. Hillary and Bill both need to have such a hearing, also Obama they need to explain a lot and we have no answers to their crimes and sudden wealth. Hillary e-mails need to get to the bottom of them, the Clinton Foundation, the staff and members of their party that have no explanations for their deaths, Bengazi and $ given to our enemies. With Obama we need transparency on his birth certificate our Nations heroes and Leaders would cry out a man with no American birth certificate served 8 years in the White House as president!!!! If he had been white this would never have happened. The whole uranium deal that netted them millions---dig hard and fast for these answers.

    1. Hearings don't clear anything up if the sworn witnesses can't remember, don't recall, won't commit on that, etc. There is a way that works to make these traitors talk.

  7. A Barney Fife type could obtain several indictments against Hillary and BILL CLINTON. The CLINTONS have a lot of dirt on their cohorts 'OBAMA,LYNCH,KERRY,CLAPPER,BRENNAN" who are protecting them from prosecution.I hope ATTORNEY GENERAL BARR tears down this wall.

  8. I too say go after Hilllary!!!! LOCK HER FAT A$$ UP!

  9. These hearings and investigations are all part of the Dems plan. To interrupt President Trump from doing his job. I am just amazed at anger of the Dem. If they were for the American people as they say then why don't they work with the President. It is because they want power - power to take your money and spend it how they see fit. Take your homes - force you to live on the street and ignore you but take excellent care of illegal immigrants. That says it all.


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