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Thursday, July 11, 2019

Drag Queen Story Hour is ‘Indoctrination’ of Children Into LGBTQ Culture

The spreading practice of men dressed in drag reading to very young children in public libraries -- and in some Barnes & Noble book stores -- is a way to "indoctrinate" kids into the LGBTQ world and imprint "perversion" in their young minds, said Peter LaBarbera, founder and president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality. He added that the entire experience is "like mental rape."

LaBarbera, whose organization defends the natural law, the natural family, and a biblical worldview, made his remarks during a June 25 interview on VCY America, hosted by Jim Schneider.

Commenting on the "Drag Queen Story Hours," LaBarbera said, “Like the public schools, the elites, the leftists running these libraries – and they’re social leftists, many of them, completely pro-LGBTQ – they view the children as, sort of, their children, in the sense that they don’t want the parents there."



  1. Ironically, while these activists argue that a homosexual orientation is fixed and immutable, they incoherently claim that gender is fluid and changeable. Caitlin Ryan, a gay activist, clinical social worker and researcher at San Francisco State University spoke of this shift in our cultural mindset:

    "I think the fluidity of gender is the next big wave in terms of adolescent development… Gender has become part of the defining way that youth organize themselves and rebel against adults."1

    In short, a profound deconstruction of gender is taking place within every arena of society that undermines the fundamental order established by God Himself — reflecting the very essence of who He is and who we were created to be. And when God's order is deconstructed and redefined, the consequences for gender, sexuality, individuals, marriage, family, and society are profound and far-reaching.

    1. And SERIOUSLY destructive, Gods wrath on this earth will be far reaching as well, and a lot swifter!

  2. If they're "born that way" why is so much recruitment needed?

  3. A pervert is a pervert is a pervert...

  4. And, one more reason Trump will win next year. Most people are fed up with the way liberals are degrading our country.

  5. Everyone wastes a lot of time as Identifying as one thing or the other. Democratic, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Christian or Atheist gay straight or otherwise. No one gets out alive. Live your own life while you have it because it's short. In not long no one will remember anything you thought or said and just have Disney memories of you. Go fly a kite or fishing with your Grandchildren. They will have there own battles to fight that have little to do with ours.


  6. Dear readers,

    Here's a thought - these individuals cry out for attention when they"self advocate" that their dress and mannerisms are the new norm. In short, this is not the new norm, but shouting them down only encourages them. The solution is simple - simply leave with no reaction. This takes away their stage, and reinforces the fact that their conduct is unacceptable to society.

    In the case of a privately owned business, they are free to do as they choose, so long as it is legal. As consumers, we control private business somewhat, with our patronage. By shunning Barnes and Noble each time they do this reinforces the message by taking away revenue. No money = no business. No business = bad business. Both lead to a corporate entity to make changes.

    As for publicly funded business' , attending city, county, and state meetings and speaking up that you a a citizen do not approve and do not want any portion of your taxes applied to supporting these individuals in a public space (i.e.the library). This can be viewed in a similar fashion to "Church and State", as it is not permissible for the state to reflect coercion.

    Now then, all that being said will no doubt illicit a reaction from this fringe community, but if there is no audience, then they do not have an ability to affect their version of a change process.



  7. Got Freemasonry?

  8. Recruitment? If you're not gay you're not gay? Are you worried or something? Having second thoughts?

  9. Drag Queens are just plain Disgusting and should never be near children.


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