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Monday, July 08, 2019

Dems Pay Millions to Firm Backed by Google’s Eric Schmidt

A data firm backed by Eric Schmidt, the former executive chairman of Alphabet, Google's parent company, has been paid millions of dollars by Democratic committees and is currently working for Joe Biden's presidential campaign.

The idea for what became Civis Analytics emerged in the wake of President Obama's 2012 re-election when Schmidt pitched Dan Wagner, the campaign's chief analytics officer, on creating a lasting political data and website services firm. Schmidt, who remained an executive at Google and Alphabet, went on to quietly aid Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. Less than one month after the elections it was announced that he had helped round up $22 million for Civis, where he is also a partial owner and sits on the group's board of directors. In June, Schmidt stepped away as executive chairman of Alphabet, although he now acts as a technical advisor to the company’s leadership on policy issues.

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  1. Isn't that just special??

  2. The democrats are the most UNLAWFUL and CORRUPT bunch in history. There is NOTHING these LOWLIFE'S will do to undermine the PRESIDENT.


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