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Friday, July 19, 2019

County Council Nominee Appointment Fails On Tie Vote

SALISBURY – The Wicomico County Council will seek legal advice for how to proceed in appointing a nominee to the legislative body following a tie vote this week.

On Tuesday, members of the Wicomico County Council had before them a resolution to appoint a nominee to the vacant District 2 seat. The resolution, however, did not pass after a tie vote between candidates Joseph Collins and Austin Whitehead.

Two months ago, the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee began the process of seeking qualified candidates to fill a vacancy on the council created by Councilman Marc Kilmer’s resignation. Kilmer announced he was stepping down from his position to return to his home state of Idaho.

Since Kilmer is a registered Republican, the committee sought Republicans residing in District 2 who were interested in being nominated for appointment. And after reviewing more than 20 candidates for the position, the committee in June submitted the names of four nominees – Nicole Acle, Julie Brewington, Joseph Collins and Austin Whitehead – most qualified to fill the seat until a special election is held in 2020.



  1. Joe Collins lives in rural Wicomico County
    He is a good man
    I posted prior that the Council Reps want people with a Salisbury Address
    Joe should have been selected to fill the seat
    There are other view points than those with a Salisbury address
    The districts are stacked against anyone from the out lying area
    Check the district maps
    Thank goodness Joe Holloway is from the Pittsville area

  2. In a final attempt to select a candidate, Hastings made a motion to appoint Whitehead, which ultimately failed in another 3-3 vote.

    what a joke.
    good old boys, new generation

  3. Bill McCain leads the Democrat votes on the council. He tells them who to vote for. Just as in their national agenda where they would walk in Lock Step over a cliff if Pelosi told them too then that is what they do at the local level. Hastings and Ernie simply are not able to vote for anybody else. If McCain can't get a Democrat on the council then he'll take a Republican he feels he can control. Since Whitehead is young with little political experience and works in real estate, as does McCain, McCain figures he can intimidate Whitehead in voting his way. The first vote would be to have McCain appointed Council President so that he can set an agenda favorable his real estate buds. Wake up folks. Socialists on the move in Wicomico County.

  4. "the committee in June submitted the names of four nominees – Nicole Acle, Julie Brewington, Joseph Collins and Austin Whitehead – most qualified to fill the seat"

    No they weren't the 'most qualified,' they were the most favored.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Joe Collins lives in rural Wicomico County
    He is a good man
    I posted prior that the Council Reps want people with a Salisbury Address
    Joe should have been selected to fill the seat
    There are other view points than those with a Salisbury address
    The districts are stacked against anyone from the out lying area
    Check the district maps
    Thank goodness Joe Holloway is from the Pittsville area

    July 19, 2019 at 2:17 PM

    I guess you missed the nomination? Holloway nominated Collins and it was seconded by Dodd. Holloway, Dodd and Cannon voted for Collins because there is a concern with Whitehead's actual address.

  6. The Buzz at the GOB now is that John Cannon is going to flip his vote in favor of Austin Whitehead even though he knows that Austin doesn’t live in District 2. You voters in District 2 better start making phone calls and showing up to the council meeting.

  7. The citizens of district 2 need proper representation. Whitehead is just another mouthpiece for the Greater Salisbury Committee and the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce.

  8. This guy Whitehead is tied to the hip of Jake Day, good thing it went down like this.

  9. Whitehead would have been another headache for Bob Culver.

  10. The Council and the Board of elections need to make sure that anyone appointed to this seat does indeed live in District 2. Anything less opens this up to legal problems. You can bet that there are some of us do indeed intend that this is done legally.

  11. What district needs to be filled? What area of Wicomico County do you need to live in?

  12. 9:41 You must not live in Wicomico Co; otherwise, you could & should be able to answer your own questions. If not, I'd be ashamed to be so uninformed.

    Paul Wilber will be rehired as Wicomico Countys attorney as soon as Austen Whitehead is voted in on the council. The story is that McCain has reached an agreement with Austen Whitehead and his best friend Josh Hastings. Ernie Davis will follow their lead.


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