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Monday, July 08, 2019

Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein arrested in new underage sex case

Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested in New York in a massive new underage sex trafficking case, according to law enforcement sources.

The hedge funder — who twelve years ago wriggled out of similar charges of abusing young girls — must appear in federal court in Manhattan on Monday on charges of trafficking dozens of minors between 2002 and 2005 in New York and Florida, where he has homes, the sources said Saturday night.

He was busted in Teterboro Airport in New Jersey, the Miami Herald reported.

About a dozen federal agents meanwhile broke down the door of Epstein’s $50 million mansion on East 71st Street on the Upper East Side at around 6:30 p.m. to execute search warrants, witnesses said.



  1. Bill Clinton uhhhh OHHHH.

  2. Going down big time; going to take several with him including President Bubba but perhaps also some conservatives. No excuse "for unlawful carnal knowledge" using young women for so much sexual perversion.

  3. Yeah, Bubba et al are sweating this one out. Could be some conservatives too.

  4. The Clinton's are going to start making people go missing.

  5. Everyone should follow Mike Cernovich on Twitter. He is on this case.

  6. A lot of Democrats are going down... Trump banned Epstein from his clubs

  7. It will turn into another Trump witch hunt!!!
    This should get interesting. He was friends with the Clintons, and Bill was a frequent guest at his resorts! I would be willing to bet this will be swept under the rug!!! If he goes down, he will take a whole list of celebrities and government officials with him!

  8. Yet Creepy Uncle Joe Biden hasn't been arrested! Life just isn't fair!

  9. I'm bettin buttigieg aint on the list!


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