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Friday, July 12, 2019

Big Pharma Fail: No Evidence Of Added Benefit In Most New Drugs, Study Finds

There seems to be a new drug to treat anything and everything these days, but are these medications as effective as they claim to be? A new study has concluded that the answer to that question is no. Furthermore, researchers say that international drug development processes, standards, and policies are fundamentally broken and must be reformed.

According to the study performed at the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, more than half of the new drugs entering the German healthcare system show absolutely no added benefit.

Between 2011 and 2017, researchers examined 216 drugs that passed regulatory approval and entered the German market. Most of these assessed drugs were also approved by the European Medicines Agency for widespread use throughout greater Europe.


1 comment:

  1. duh FDA is ajoke getting up bent over from what we eat to how long pharma can string us out but cure nothig


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