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Monday, July 08, 2019

Biden Goes From "Apologize For What?" To "I'm Sorry" Over Segregationist Fiasco

After getting kicked down an elevator shaft by a well prepared Kamala Harris during the first Democratic primary debates, former Vice President Joe Biden has gone from "Apologize for what?" to "I'm sorry" over remarks he made about working with segregationist Democrats when he entered DC politics.

Speaking to a mostly black audience at a Sumter, South Carolina campaign stop, Biden told supporters "Was I wrong a few weeks ago to somehow give the impression to people that I was praising those men who I successfully opposed time and again? Yes I was. I regret it. I’m sorry for any of the pain or misconception," according to NBC News.

Biden, 76, asked the audience: "Should that misstep define 50 years of my record for fighting for civil rights and racial justice in this country?" adding "I hope not. I don’t think so."



  1. I hope Biden wins the Democrat nomination, he wouldn't stand a chance against Trump.

  2. Trump would have made her eat it. Yet "bite me" backs down. No spine or balls. Sad ...

  3. He's done.

    There is no one....NO ONE....who can beat Trump in the next election.
    They are merely sacrificial lambs because they HAVE to run someone.
    I can't wait for the debates when REAL answers to how they will pay must be actually explained (MORE AND MORE TAXES!!).
    I personally don't want to pay for the free medical care for the Salvadorian woman with 4 kids when my leaders make ME (a citizen they are SUPPOSED to "represent") pay THOUSANDS for the same privilege.
    And I HATE the idea that I will be forced to pay for the 10 years of "student loans" given to people who never got a degree but took all that money with no intention of paying it back.
    And I damn sure detest being taxed to provide better housing for welfare mothers, criminals, and ILLEGAL immigrants than I have (which, like so many other millions, have WORKED AND SACRIFICED FOR YEARS to achieve).
    What I REALLY hate are the so-called "leaders" who think ANY of that is right and something I am somehow responsible for doing.....

    START THE HANGING NOW.... as in "today"...

    or Keep Cheering.

  4. Biden speaks most other "politicians", he says what people want to hear. It can change according to the crowd.

  5. Oh, I see. They have proof that Biden made racist comments and nothing is done about it. They have NO proof of anything racist that President Trump has said and yet still claim he did? Lying azz democrats.Trump cannot buy any better advertising for him to be re-elected than their lies.


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