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Sunday, July 07, 2019

AOC screamed at Border Patrol agents in 'threatening manner' during tour: Witnesses

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., screamed at federal law enforcement agents “in a threatening manner” during a visit to a Border Patrol facility in El Paso, Texas, and refused to tour the facility, according to two people who witnessed the incident.

A group of 14 House Democrats, including Ocasio-Cortez, and their aides kicked off their visit to the region at about 11 a.m. MST Monday at the El Paso Station on Hondo Pass Drive. The group was standing inside the station near an area where migrants are held when Ocasio-Cortez left them to sit inside a nearby holding area with a family as the other lawmakers and aides were briefed on station operations.

“She comes out screaming at our agents, right at the beginning [of the tour] … Crying and screaming and yelling,” said one witness who said he was stunned by the outburst in front of approximately 40 people.



  1. There you have it. This "congresswoman" is unhinged and a threat to American democracy. She is as radical as any moon bat and has about as much business representing "the people" as Mickey Mouse has selling Swiss cheese. She is ignorant, arrogant, and refuses to be open minded. She is very young and has no worldly experience on which to base her slanted opinions having grown up in a cocoon in the Bronx.

  2. Witness someone who's never done anything or been anyplace tell everyone that she knows better than everyone in every situation.

  3. Isn't that what a Bar waitress knows how to do?

    1. She is a Prostitute Lap Dancer from the bar

  4. She behaves worse than a know-it-all 14 year old urban princess.

  5. You think this is bad? Have you read the Nike has pulled off the shelves a pair of shoes with the Betsy Ross Flag on them because Collin Kappernick claims that flag is a symbol of racism and represents the slave-era. Nike actually has pulled the shoes off the shelves because our original 13 stars and 13 stripes is a symbol of racism. This has done it for me. I’m read to join a like minded group of American Patriots here on the Eastern Shore and start preparing for what will a very troubling time.

  6. Talk bout photo opt.

  7. She makes a good margarita.

  8. 7:24 a rural princess would be too busy trying to chew with only 3 teeth

  9. A low IQ individual trying to do a job that she is not qualified for.

  10. Wherever she goes she has to make a fuss over something, real or fabricated, just so she's noticed, just because she's AOC.

  11. 7:44 you are so right!!

  12. They should have thrown her in a cell with them and recorded the meltdown!

  13. Have to get rid of my pc monitor - it's an AOC brand.

  14. The bad part is his comments about what happened are reported a day later and qint generate the headlines a o c got. the border patrol now has to pull people fro.their important jobs to be interviewed and statements must be taken. An investigation will be started to see if anyone can confirm the story about people being told to drink from toilets. By the time the investigations are done, the media cycle will have moved on and her outburst and comments will be looked at as facts.


  15. Brainless bar wench with useless degree from BU (same place Kerry got his law degree).

    Will note that there are many pleasant and intelligent folks tending bars; she isn't and wasn't one of them.

  16. 7:44am
    Most of us have been ready since Oh'Mama got reelected. I know I have. I started in Nov of 2008 and wrapped up right before he won in 2012. At the time prices were high due to, duh, everyone else rushing to do the same. Good thing lead doesn't go bad. Food needs rotating but you just stock it deeper in the pantry and be aware of whats nearing its date.

  17. why doesn't somebody shut that bitch up? Or shut her down!

  18. This is coming from a person that has an IQ comparable to table salt. The conditions are not the best I'm sure. What's the fix? Less illegals to start with but she doesn't support that. When wayfair was to sell beds so that illegals could have better sleeping conditions she staged a walkout by the wayfair employees protesting bad living conditions . She is a deer in the headlights that could use a strong dose of common sense.

  19. Such an asshat. Voters sure got a chump!


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