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Friday, July 12, 2019

Antifa won't pick fight with Bikers for Trump

President Trump said Thursday the antifa members who assaulted conservative journalist Andy Ngo recently are too cowardly to confront burly bikers and construction workers who support the president.

Speaking at a White House event for conservative social media leaders, the president referred to Mr. Ngo as the “young man who just got slugged viciously” by antifa members during a protest in Portland, Oregon.

“Do you ever notice they [Antifa] pick on certain people?” Mr. Trump asked. “I mean, he [Mr. Ngo] would tell you he’s not the toughest person in the world physically, right?”

“They don’t go after ‘Bikers for Trump,’” Mr. Trump continued. “They don’t go after our construction workers who love us. They don’t go after the police. They live, like, in the basement of their mom’s home. Their arms are this big [skinny].”

More here


  1. Wait until the snowflakes civil war comes to them.

  2. They also let the chicken shit girls do the talking

  3. Most are afraid that their man-bun will become undone.

  4. EVERY dog has his day!!!

  5. 1:02 PM
    I'm ready ! They won't enter my castle !

    1. Oh it's going to be fun TICK TOCK.


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