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Friday, July 05, 2019

A group of 10 people rushed through store stealing $30,000 in merchandise


  1. More to come in this long, hot summer.

  2. Giving decent blacks a bad image...

  3. Turn the K-9 's Loose !!

  4. As long as these kind are around, yes, it will continue, hot summer or cold winter.

  5. Overpriced mall stuff.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: There always appears to be a racial component to these activities. And naive people wonder why these marauders are profiled. Do rational civilized people not recognize that this behavior is unacceptable? Something drastic will be required to put an end to this nonsense because the longer you accept as normal, the worse it becomes. What a bunch if pajama boys and wimps we have in this country. Afraid to stand up for themselves and what is right.

  7. This is going to be a trend this year.

  8. I hope none of the staff got hurt.

  9. They should steal some belts and hike their pants up.

  10. There is always a wannabe white willing to go along with this.

  11. If you don't like the stereotypes assigned to you,
    quit perpetuating them.
    Crack mother HATE it when you say they are low-life druggies not fit for motherhood or existence among real humans.
    They continue to hit the bowl.
    And get mad when you call them crack whores.

    Stop stealing,robbing, drug dealing, killing, and fighting.
    Stereotypes will fade away like a late spring snow.

  12. No, tell it like it is:

    "A group of 10 BLACK THUGS rushed through store stealing $30,000 in merchandise"

    I'm sick and tired of soft liberals sugarcoating the crime committed by blacks.

  13. @ July 5, 2019 at 10:58 Northeast Woodsman

    What you can see is the color of their skin, yes that is true. What the camera does not show you is their socioeconomic status...

    Is this a race thing, or a class thing? Crime and poverty are linked hand in hand, and this holds true regardless of the ethnicity of any poverty stricken area.

    Since desegregation, blacks with the means to get out of their segregated areas did, leaving vast areas of poverty, and thus driving up crime, becoming a viscous cycle.

    Is it a race thing, or is it a socioeconomic problem?


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