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Friday, July 05, 2019

A Caribbean Joe's Comment Worthy Of A Post

I've been there a couple of times and like everyone else found the food to be real good and the beer cold. Is the place fancy, hell no it's not that kind of place, it's a place where you come and relax and enjoy yourself. Oh and by it's very clean and the bathrooms are clean and beautiful. You will love it.


  1. Exactly! We are not looking for the Ritz Carlton, we are looking for a place to hang out and have fun. Keep at it, Joe.

  2. Bathrooms say alot about a place. Clean bathrooms, usually clean kitchen. Rock on.

  3. Oh wow, we can bring children to the bar. Think I will be down next weekend Joe.

  4. 9:28, Of course you can bring children. Just remember, you can't bring food or drinks and you must accompany your children in the pool.

  5. A lot of people in this world have a Dom Perry on first or the Kool-Aid bank account if you know what I mean

  6. Joe, keep on doing what you do!!!! IF you didn't have haters, you wouldn't being doing it right... I haven't yet found myself near your location but soon as I do, I will stop in and try it...

  7. Keep this going please, great job!


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