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Saturday, July 06, 2019

4 Stories The Media Was Afraid To Tell You


  1. That's the problem with the MSM, sometimes it's not what they report but what they don't.

  2. First she says "here are the things the media is afraid to tell you". Second thing she does is cite polls done by and reported by "the media"... no, that is exactly what she did, go back and listen... the first citation is of a CNN poll.

    This kind of reporting is garbage. Stop listening to it. It is partisan rhetoric designed to have a built in confirmation bias, to make you feel good about it so they can keep you watching.... because "us vs them" keeps eyes on the screen so they can do what the REALLY want....

    sell advertising. Notice, they don't report THAT do they? Never seem to report that... strange.

    America, they think we are stupid. I pray they are not right.


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