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Monday, June 03, 2019

Workplace Deaths Fell 34% After Medical Cannabis Legalization

Critics who love to fret about legalization’s effect on workplace safety—you’re fired.

Medical cannabis laws are associated with a staggering 34% decline in workplace deaths for adults age 25 to 44, a new study finds. The reason? Those workers might be drinking less alcohol and taking less pills due to legalization.

Comparing Workplace Injuries and Cannabis Laws

Since 1996, a record 29 states have passed medical cannabis laws, many of them loose enough to attract recreational consumers. Along the way, Chambers of Commerce and other business groups have long-opposed reform, based on workplace safety concerns.



  1. the only reason its still illegal federally. is because of big pharma and acholcol lobbies

  2. Yeah because they were all too stoned to exert themselves. DUH

  3. 603 always with the negative waves!

  4. Correlation is not causation.

    Bad report trying to legitimize pot head stoners.

    1. 6:40: Big words and alliteration do not make a point. Pour yourself another.

  5. No coming to work with a hangover on Mondays.

  6. 640
    Did the article imply causation?
    I believe it pointed out a correlation - as you wrote.

    Pot heads don't need to be legitimized by anyone.
    They just don't want to be assaulted and imprisoned for partaking in a flower.

    Live and let live.

    Give it a try.

  7. Because nobody made it to work!

    1. 8:25- You must be referring to the alcoholics! You never hear about stoners missing work on April 21st, but over 20% call out the day after Super Bowl! Figure that one out, if you're not too hungover.


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