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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Wicomico County Supports World Kindness Effort

SALISBURY – Officials in Wicomico County last week agreed to support kindness initiatives throughout the community.

Last week, the Wicomico County Council passed a resolution declaring its support for World Kindness USA, a national platform that promotes kindness initiatives across all sectors of the community.

The resolution follows an ongoing campaign by the city of Salisbury to be named the nation’s first World Kindness City.

Michael Lloyd-White, CEO of World Kindness USA, offered the council his praise of the county’s resolution.



  1. This Langley script appears to be lifted directly from the pages of Marx's Manifesto

  2. Is this ALL you idiots can come up with?? Be kind while you get run-over by the rest of the world. Little Johnny was taught to be kind while he gets his lunch money taken every day by the hood rats. We want to adopt Christian values but crucify Christians

  3. Here’s the local connection: Goodwill Ambassador Education (Salisbury MD)
    Ms Grace Foxwell Murdock

  4. Yeah, right.
    If there isn't a buck to be made or if it stands in the way of that buck to be made, they'll blow this off in a second. Watch for it.


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