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Thursday, June 13, 2019

WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders will leave office by the end of the month, Trump announces

President Trump announced Thursday on Twitter that White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders will be leaving her position at the end of the month.

"After 3 1/2 years, our wonderful Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be leaving the White House at the end of the month and going home to the Great State of Arkansas," Trump said. "She is a very special person with extraordinary talents, who has done an incredible job! I hope she decides to run for Governor of Arkansas - she would be fantastic. Sarah, thank you for a job well done!"

The president has not yet named a replacement for the position.

The 36-year old Sanders, the daughter of former Arkansas Republican Gov. Mike Huckabee, worked on her father’s presidential campaign during the 2016 Republican primary until he dropped out of the race. She then joined the Trump campaign and, subsequently, the Trump administration as a White House communications aide. She was promoted to White House press secretary in 2017, after the president’s first top spokesman, Sean Spicer, resigned from the position.



  1. Sorry to see her depart. She was a straight talker and returned verbal fire, plus she had a good sense of humor. Best wished for her future plans.

  2. The best ever in my opinion.

  3. Finally.

    She owes her father a lot.
    Nobody else could have the meteoric rise to fame without a famous father to grease the wheels.

    Reminds me of Mr Trump

    1. Your full of shit 7:55
      She worked for where she is, jealousy will get you nowhere

    2. 7:55 Really? Why don’t you do some research sweet cheeks and educate yourself on every member of Congress whose father was in politics. 90% of them got their job through daddy. Hypocrite much?

  4. I surely will miss her. She knew how to handle the Trump hater reporters and was never lost for words. She has a bright future.

  5. Agree with the above, she will be missed for her candor and strong defense of the administration. She took a lot of flack from the media but persevered; had the tables been turned and she was a liberal taking heat from the conservatives there would be outrage and cries of racism, libel, slander, blah blah blah.

  6. She's young enough maybe she could and should be our first female President.

    1. Great idea, I would certainly consider that

  7. 11:07 sadly, that doesn't make them a hypocrite. Perhaps you should look up the definition. Great point though, most of the rich get their accomplishments through their family - a tradition we desperately need to change

    1. 11:18 It makes them a hypocrite when they choose to call out one side and not both sides.

  8. 11:28 Yes, that definitely needs Change!!

  9. A true MAGA warrior,she will be missed.


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