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Friday, June 14, 2019

War College cancels speaker on Islam

A Muslim activist group has pressured the U.S. Army War College into postponing a speech by Ray Ibrahim, an expert on the historical roots of Islamic terrorism, after the group falsely labeled him as a racist and “Islamophobe,” he said.

The Philadelphia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group critics say is linked to the Islamist international group Muslim Brotherhood, protested the speech in a letter to the college superintendent, Army Maj. Gen. John S. Kem, and provost James G. Breckenridge. Purporting to represent the “Muslim community” in Pennsylvania, CAIR stated that it opposed Mr. Ibrahim’s planned June 19 speech on “Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War Between Islam and the West,” which is also the title of his latest book.

The group asserted that Mr. Ibrahim’s publicly stated view — that Muslim hostility for and terrorization of the West is not an aberration but a continuation of Islamic history — has the potential to instigate hatred against Muslims.

“We also do not believe that there is any benefit to the U.S. in promulgating the inaccurate thesis that Islam is our enemy, as this stereotype only alienates millions of Muslim-Americans,” the May 28 letter states.

More here


  1. You've literally allowed the enemy to infiltrate your country, government. The ones that say their intentions are good are still supporting causes in the middle East or have family that's involved

  2. the truth burns their very souls. this is why and who is behind the deep state..the hidden danger of the rainbow and their twisted agenda

    Freemasonry, The Shriners and Their Islamic Assyrian Origin

    The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, abbreviated A.A.O.N.M.S., commonly known as "the Shriners" is a islamic organization founded in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 644 A.D. by the family of Muhammad. It is an organization of Freemasonry. Freemasonry originates from ancient Assyria. Members of the Shriners are called "Mohammedans". A "Shrine" is a tomb of a muslim that is worshipped by other muslims. Perhaps because he was a martyr for the islamic cause. The Alawi sect of Bashar Assad does not believe in mosques. Therefore they lift up the shrines as being the most holy buildings of islam. A Shriner is therefore a person who honors the holy buildings of Assad's Alawi sect of islam. The organization is best-known for the Shriners Hospitals for Children they administer & the red fezzes that members wear. There are at least 350,000 members from 191 islamic temples (charters) in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Republic of Panama & Europe. To join the Shiners or any other organization of Freemasonry, you must swear alliance to Allah (the islamic moon god) & you must do so on the Koran which says that Christians & Jews must be killed. The Shiners symbols on their cars/trucks include the islamic sword in the shape of a crescent moon with a star which are very clearly islamic symbols. Another symbol on their vehicles is the "Eastern Star" which is the symbol of the satanic goat god called by different names such as "Pan, Yah, Baphomet, Allah, Mendez". You can very clearly see that it's the same symbol of a 2 horned star worn by admitted satanists. 
    The Shriners & other Freemasons believe in ALL religions as a path to Allah. So although they may at first embrace anyone of any religion, they will always ultimately point that person to Allah & to islam. They place a great deal of importance on secret knowledge which they refuse to share with the little people of the world. They believe that only "the better", more intelligent people have a right to the truth. There are a LOT of Baptist preachers who are Freemasons & Shriners. Many members do not reveal that they are secretly Freemasons. They swear allegiance to help all other Freemasons over and above non-members even if it's not the right thing to do. For example, a judge in a courtroom is required to give the favor in the verdict to the fellow Freemason even if that Freemason has committed a crime. The only exception is in a murder trial, but I believe that many Freemasons would give that special favor even in that case.
    Shriners are taught that Lucifer is the true God and is not evil. They are therefore Luciferians, a class of satanist. Their symbols are the same as the Church of Satan. The first 94 Pages of the Freemason bible are quotes from Albert Pike. All Masons are encouraged to read the writings of Albert Pike. He was a Luciferian & said "Lucifer is the True god of Good and Light".

    1. You must seriously have this ready to copy and paste because you always drag it out. Find something new to contribute.

    2. Looks like 1:02 might have tried to join the Free Masonry sometime ago and was rejected.
      Still butt hurt. LOL

    3. FREE Mason isn't hard to join. HELL they even run commercials begging people to join. Why JOIN an organization who doesn't allow WOMEN??? The FREE Mason is a thing of the past and today's members are proof. Now the Masons are jumping on the Shriners coattails.



  4. This POS LIE,LIE,LIE!! They should invite them. Then lock the doors!!

  5. Roots of Islamic Terrorism:


  6. How can these COWARDS cave in to islamic protesters. Does anyone think, for a second, that we could ever win a war with such low-life cowards as these running the show?

  7. This country is done!! And everyone laughed at those that actually saw this coming and started preparing themselves


  9. Northwest Woodsman: The army hierarchy is a bunch of politically correct butt kissers who will do or say anything to keep themselves in power and to insure promotions. Be very wary of any officers above the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. You can generally make it that far in a career but any higher and you would only be considered if, during your career, you kept your mouth shut and followed the politically correct line of bull. You know, like women successfully completing ranger school, special forces qual course, USMC basic course, etc. I’ve been through several of these programs and I have yet to see any female that can compete without lowering the standards for that gender. The males still,have to perform at standards no matter what the age. I put up with this nonsense for 26 years. I didn’t make it to colonel because I said what I thought about standards.


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