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Saturday, June 22, 2019

WALSH: Reparations Is A Great Idea. Here's How We Can Make Sure That Everyone Pays For The Sins Of Their Ancestors.

Yesterday, House Democrats held a hearing to discuss reparations. Actually, it was a hearing to discuss forming a commission to conduct a study to examine reparations. We may be far away from anything like a reparations system actually being enacted in this country, but we're closer than we were even a few years ago, when the leader of the Democratic Party, Barack Obama, came out against the idea. Now, most mainstream Democrats, including presidential candidates like Sens. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), favor it. As a noted progressive myself, I, too, support the policy. And I think I know how to make it work.

At the most basic level, reparations would involve the payment of a certain sum of cash to people whose ancestors six generations ago were slaves. It seems most reasonable to take this money from those whose ancestors six generations ago were slaveholders. Wealthy Hollywood actor Danny Glover was at the hearing because his great-great-great-grandmother was a slave. The fact that Glover is worth $40 million, and that most of the slaveholder descendants today are likely quite a bit poorer than him, does not matter. As it turns out, sometimes it's okay to take from the poor and give to the rich.

Now, a few questions must be addressed: Namely, how do we know who is descended from slaves and who is descended from slaveholders? Surely, a black person whose family arrived on these shores in 1970 can't claim any historical entitlement to slavery reparations. And a white person whose family came here after abolition — perhaps as Irish indentured servants — cannot be said to carry any guilt for North American slavery in his blood. It seems odd to think that anyone could carry the guilt for slavery in their blood, but that is the premise we must accept in order to get this ball rolling.



  1. I'm white, but I identify as a black slave descendant, if there's free money involved. Plus I can talk a little Ebonics if that helps.

  2. Issue checks from the bank of Kenya and can only be cashed in Africa. Once they are back home in Africa no reentry to America.

  3. @11:28 absolutely brilliant!! It's amazing just how stupid these dumbasses are that entertain this garbage. Reparations, free healthcare for all and the illegal immigrants coming in. Why would we continue to allow them to run this country in the ground and no one is pushing back??

  4. Blacks owned more slaves down south than whites FACT.

  5. Now they want GAY REPERATIONS. LOL I say send them to IRAN.

  6. Check your DNA we were all black once and not far from it now. Don't fall for those cartoon illustrated Bible story books in the Doctors office. Jesus most likely looked like a dark skinned Woody Allen without glasses.You can believe in the Gospel but don't assume your present state is represented there. It's not like you even know what the Aramaic language is.

  7. Anthony Johnson 1600-1670 lived out his life as a slave holder in Somerset Co. Maryland. He was a very successful tobacco farmer. He owned 5 slaves of which 4 were white and one was black.
    Anthony Johnson was a former slave captured in Angola by Muslim Arabs in 1621. History doesn't teach all the truth about slavery due to the current PC culture.

  8. If we gave money for reparations then that would be less money to support all the illegals...

  9. Reperations aka Welfare.

  10. It's funny how many BLACK RACISTS we have in this WORLD. No matter how EDUCATED or successful they become. NONE of them miss a chance to put their hands out yet AGAIN for something FREE.

  11. 3:18 you are an idiot! Jesus was white and pure as the driven snow! I have seen many paintings of him, many dating back hundreds of years. Jesus being white skinned was a sign from God of his purity.

  12. I don't care if my grandpappy started slavery. Not paying a cent. I'd sit on welfare and sarcastically taunt everyone that worked before I paid a dime.


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