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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

US to Withhold Hundreds of Millions in Central America Aid

President Donald Trump's administration on Monday cut hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, after Trump blasted the three countries because thousands of their citizens had sought asylum at the U.S. border with Mexico.

The plan will likely encounter stiff opposition in Congress.

Lawmakers, including some of Trump's fellow Republicans as well as Democrats, have chafed against the president's repeated decisions to disregard spending bills passed by Congress, some of which he has signed into law himself.

Lawmakers who opposed the plan said it was cruel to cut off aid to countries grappling with hunger and crime and that the move would be counterproductive because it would more likely increase the number of migrants than decrease it.

Congressional aides said the administration told them it would reallocate $370 million in aid to Central America that lawmakers had approved for fiscal 2018, and suspend an additional $180 million Congress had approved for fiscal 2017.

All of the money for those years has not yet been spent.



  1. Cut off money to all foriegn countries in central and South America. We don't owe them a damn penny. Let them take care of themselves

  2. Good! Why throw good money after bad. Corruption is rife in those countries and the poor never see a red cent. Cut them off!

  3. Great about time this money / aid was withheld. Why should the US tax payer give these crooks money and then accept an invasion of their people in which the US tax payer supports them in the US and gives them money in the US so they send it back to their country. The wealthy is stealing this aid and not using it for their people. What a scam being played on the US tax payer. This tells us just how stupid US politians are.

  4. How about using the money for our own legal people?
    Just a thought

  5. The aid we give amounts to reparations from the Banana Wars and our interventionist policies in Mexico Central and South America, Cuba, Panama, Haiti and the Dominican Republic and the Caribean. Implant revolutionist military policy to remove age old Spanish and French institutions of Colonialism.The hoards flooding our borders are indigenous peoples long exploited by first world interests and now their homelands have been raped robbed and pillaged and American Christian Vacationing Missionaries have not helped matters.I think the promise of Heaven was lost in translation and they think they meant come to America.

  6. Take this money and give it to all of the Slaves for reparations.

    Oh but I forgot, that was 155 years ago.

    Put it into social security then.


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