Liberals, having lost the battle of ideas because their crummy, corrupt collectivist ideas suck, want to ban our ideas because people are naturally going to choose our ideas over theirs. Well, normal people are, because we know we would pick up the tab for their Utopia. The thing about leftists is that their ideas about the need for command and control over every aspect of human life always presume they will be the ones personally commanding and controlling. You will never meet a young socialist who looks forward to a proletarian career picking up garbage or cleaning toilets.
Here’s the undeniable fact: Liberals are actively pro-censorship. They scoff at this fact because everyone knows that it’s the liberals who are open-minded and us conservatives who seek to muzzle the yearning voices of the masses. But, as you should presume about absolutely everything a liberal says is, this too is a lie.
Liberals love censorship.
They already practice it in Europe. In Britain, you can be arrested for tweeting things, which is yet another cautionary example of why we citizens should never, ever give up our guns.
Out of my cold dead hands !
ReplyDeleteThe article FALSELY accuses: "Here’s the undeniable fact: Liberals are actively pro-censorship."
ReplyDeleteThis is just not true. Don't agree? Tell me about Satanists or non-theists who want to give invocations at public government meetings who get censored by religious conservatives? How about equal access to public space?
Censorship is NOT a liberal or conservative thing.
All censorship, is bad. Lest anyone be confused on my position, there should be no censorship at all, Free Speech should be just that. Freedom, does not come with the guarantee of not being offended, nor being shielded from ideas you don't like. That's why it is FREE speech.