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Monday, June 24, 2019

The Inconvenient Truth Of Electric Cars

A trip from LA to Las Vegas and back takes 8 hours by a gas-powered car but 13 hours by an electric vehicle.

The electric vehicle grand vision may flounder on something most drivers take for granted: a quick pit stop.

The inconvenient truth of electric vehicles is they are terribly inconvenient to own and operate. Most cars need a charge after 200 to 250 miles traveled.

Charging them requires finding a charging station, and then an open bay.

The New York Times reports L.A. to Vegas and Back by Electric Car: 8 Hours Driving; 5 More Plugged In.

The NYT author, Ivan Penn, drove a Chevrolet Bolt from LA to Las Vegas, a 540-mile round trip that many people make regularly.



  1. It's worse than this story. There are multiple (free) charging stations in and around OC. And there are a fair amount of Tesla owners in the vicinity of Golf Course Rd in West OC. All these are powered by traditional (coal?) generating plants so this power source for autos is NOT free. It is SUBSIDIZED. by taxpayers. How many of these taxpayers funding the free electric get gasoline credits or subsidies? None.

    Electric is not to be confused with Hybrid which captures energy normally wasted (in the form of heat) and stores it in batteries that can power an electric drive train. You see, all this hype about "New Green Deals", Global Warming, and others is all bunk. Government has been pushing green electric so long that Hybrid has surpassed what all electric can provide at this time. If they truly wanted to reduce fossil fuel use, they would be promoting Hybrid not Ethanol diluted gasolines or plug-in cars.

    1. I agree with 100% of this your post 5:46

  2. To be even more precise, law only applies to everyone but the Clintons.

  3. Well if we had a European style public transportation system and modern highways and interstates and not a population obsessed with cars like they were an extension of their ego's and sexual prowess. No one would care what they drive as long as it was cost effective. People living in broken down trailers and dumpy houses with car payments more than rent and thinking when they drive around anyone takes notice.

    1. You ignorant twit! Take a look at population density in comparison to land in the countries you referenced. You will quickly see that your grand idea isn’t so grand when applied to the vast expanses of America vs European countries. Liberal logic.....(oxymoron).

    2. You beat me to it.

  4. 6:30--- Texas is far larger than many European countries. An east to west drive across Texas is about 6 hours. If you drive 6 hours in Europe you can drive through several countries. Get your thoughts together.


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