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Friday, June 21, 2019

Thank God It's Friday

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Wanted to fish this morning. Got up early (when the sun was out), got the dingy primed/oiled - went out to the mid bay, took a shower in the white caps and high tailed it back to dry dock. Really should have believed DAN when he said it would be windy today! HAHAHAHAHA Oh my, almost high noon and I haven't started Friday HH YET. Gosh I'm a slacker!

    Happy and Safe weekend to all!

  2. Going to see Kashmir perform at the Freeman Stage in Selbyville Saturday night.

  3. have to work to pay my bills

    and so the Lazy Class can sit home and watch TV

  4. Just counting my money that I get from my wonderful retirement.

  5. TGIF ...here I come jellyfish !!...rock it hard I Need it !!! another Work Week Coming !!!


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