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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Tear Gas And Cages: What Immigration Enforcement Looked Like Under Vice President Joe Biden

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s immigration platform included numerous jabs at President Donald Trump, but the “horrifying scenes” he decried also took place under his own administration.

Biden, a former vice president and current frontrunner for his party’s presidential nomination, published an op-ed Monday that largely outlines his immigration agenda and stance on Latin American foreign policy. Biden, among other proposals, called for “Dreamers” — young migrants on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program — to be given U.S. citizenship.

The former lawmaker also leveled major criticism toward Trump, accusing the president of invoking “racist invective” and “vilifying immigrants” for his own political advantage.



  1. Even if he did , my Mom said ,..."two wrongs do not make one right"

  2. Have you read or seen the camps under Trump? You should hold him to higher standards.

    1. 9:27, you mama told you the truth, two wrongs don't make a right. The illegals should have stayed home and focused on correcting their problems there, instead of coming here and creating problems for us.

    2. 9:49 Have you seen the number of people crossing the border illegally daily ? Have you seen the number of times Democrats have voted against helping those cages and illegals? I’m curious.. when there is only room for about 20% of the number coming in daily, where do you feel they should be put? Should they be vetted or just cut lose? Will you take them in?

  3. Those pictures where taken when Obama was President. Why can't you people get it straight. Obama lied to you😂😂


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