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Monday, June 03, 2019

Taxpayers footed the bill for state's tent at Preakness. Who got to go?

Maryland taxpayers footed a $145,500 bill for the governor and state agencies to entertain guests in a corporate tent at the 144th Preakness Stakes last month.

The tent was among a line of corporate tents ringing the track at one end of the infield at Pimlico Race Course in Northwest Baltimore.

Politicians and others streamed in and out all day, but reporters weren’t allowed inside. The governor’s office later said it was a mistake not to allow a reporter inside.



  1. The call of the RINO, cha-ching cha-ching cha-ching

  2. Even though I think this is wrong in every way, if the truth was known this same thing has most likely been done by past administrations as well!

  3. Isn't that close to the amount that MAC's food for the elderly program got shorted?

  4. Larry, The Rino, said it was a mistake. He knew damn good and well it was a mistake when he okayed it but did it anyway. He's such a bad liar.

  5. 11:20 sounds about right, that RINO POS governor hogan has the citizens of maryland in his best interest

  6. Another Obama / Clinton wasting tax dollars for political purpose.

  7. so because the liberal media didn't get invited they blew the whistle. Hogan better wise up and invite them next time! Nice to see he invited some of the peons who paid the bill!

  8. This has been going on for years and with both political offices. Hence the push to "Keep" the Preakness at that hellhole Pimlico. Burn it down.


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