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Sunday, June 09, 2019

Super Pet In Salisbury


  1. Here we go.... this ought to be a fun topic.

  2. Get em' good work.

  3. June 7, 2019 at 10:33 AM

    If it weren't for these VOLUNTEER animal groups, the world would a more ugly place than it already is.

    Your stupid is showing. Try being a decent human for a few minutes today.

  4. There always seems to be problems at this place. Always some type of violation. They need to shut it down. Why is it so hot in there! Why no water for the animals. ADOPT DON'T SHOP!

  5. It makes you question if Animal Control or the Health Department are inspecting these places at all!

  6. I as in there this week to get an ID tag for my dog and it stunk to high heaven and was Hot as Haties. A little French bull dog
    and what appeared to be Jack Russel Terriers were playing in a pen that had had the dogs poop smudges all over the floor where it had not been properly washed away. . Flies were all around one dogs cage and on him . It's a disgrace that our County and the Humane Society would allow this to go on !!

    Believe me when I say these little dogs are from Puppy Mills! Please do not buy them ! Only buy from a reputable breeder
    where you can view the living conditions , health records and parents of the puppy.

    Cat Coalition , Good for You ! Contact the Humane Society of the US for further directions . Take a camera with you next time you go and take pics for proof and contact Attorney Generals office to fil ea complaint against them ! Review the laws of Maryland for Pet Stores and County Laws so you know what can / can't be done .

    It's all about the Money , to heck with the people who buy these animals and the health problems that can come from their inbreeding ! Just look up Puppy Mills and you'll see why you should never , ever buy from a Pet Store!

    1. What are your waiting for. Expecting others to do it?

  7. Good luck trying to reach the Mayor of Wicomico.

  8. You think this is bad check out these local cat and dog sitters on line I know for sure no background checks were done on some of these local people. Plus check out what they give as to conditions of their homes,yards,kennels, and how many pets they have at one time--it is not what they quote. Salisbury needs a clean house operation on these on line advertisers.

  9. Wicomico has no Mayor. Why does the Human Society and Animal control just stop in and do surprise visits when they are riding around. Where is the regulations for these businesses? They are constantly violating "cruelty to animals" which is a violation of law.

  10. How do you know the age of the kitten? Did you try seeing if they'd give it to you? (i'd bet they'd tell you it's not being given away yet) Perhaps it was just being kept with it's mother?

    As far as I know, they don't sell kittens, only given away with a food purchase. The same I believe for any of the non purebred dogs.

    I doubt the dogs are kept in the cage 24 hours a day, probably in the back in larger cages/kennels for 14 hours of the day. Poop in a dog cage? Ok, the dogs aren't on timers, they can go any time, they could have been just checked on, and employee went to checkout customers and hasn't been back yet. I'm assuming you didn't see days worth of waste. As far as flies, I've got 4 flies buzzing around me right now, and I assure you I bathed this morning. It's just that time of year.

    The employees when I have been have all seemed caring and attentive. We've bought 2 guinea pigs, a rabbit, 3 cages and supplies from them over the past few years. Prefer Super Pet over Petsmart.

  11. Try yourself to clean up every poop and pee within minutes for a couple of dozen puppies. You'll not leave the pens all day.

  12. Instead of bitching about it and taking videos, why don't you offer to help? Never thought of that, did you.

  13. This is in the city of salisbury.
    Call 4105483165 city animal control

    1. good luck getting a timely response from them

  14. I feel bad for these neglected creatures. Chances are they will bought on impulse and equally neglected and unwanted as the children people stupid enough to shop here are.

  15. So sad to see such dimwitted comments.

    Community Cats is a well respected cat advocacy group that works tirelessly to support, treat and rehome discarded unwanted mistreated cats.

    June 7, 2019 at 2:01 PM
    June 7, 2019 at 6:14 PM
    Stupid much? I have no doubt they are on the case and have been. Would you prefer they not post and advise the public of what is going on? Maybe before speaking you should do a bit of research to see how much this volunteer group does to protect vulnerable animals.

    June 7, 2019 at 2:16 PM How do they know the age of the kitten? If you had hand raised as many abandoned kittens as they have you can spot an underage in the blink of an eye.

    Nothing like attacking the messenger. Not the brightest bunch following this thread.

    Superpets is not providing a service they are making a profit off abandoned, unwanted, sick, unvetted animals. They would like to paint it pretty but the facts are clear. They do a visual inspection, clean their ears and give them a drop of flea medicine and pass them on to the consumer FOR A PROFIT, by forcing you to make a substantial purchase to take home this potentially sick kitten. That is not free. And that is not providing adequate care. The game is inhumane, risky and cruel, and it solves nothing as far as reducing the cycle of cat overpopulation.

    What happens to the ones that age out of kittenhood and no one wants? Do they just release them out the back door? Where do they and the unwanted mom's go? They do not spay/neuter them. They do not provide any medical care. How does that solve any problems?

  16. Same ole song and dance. Miserable people whining and blaming the mayor.

    1. Animal abuse is not whining and complaining about the mayor. Super Pet has had a long history of selling puppy mill pups and critters too young to be weened off their mothers. What kind of person are you to say such BS? Just because no animal would have you as a parent, doesn’t mean they don’t rate for decent treatment.

    2. Super Pet should’ve been closed down years ago. The problem is, the owner of the Twilley Center is hard pressed to get tenants because of the criminal element - reason why the fabric place closed after being held up twice. It’s all about greed. Nothing more. If the strip mall’s landlord had any decency, this business would be in violation of a proper lease.

    3. But why blame the mayor? Its childish. For the record im not against ur feelings, I rescued 3 dogs myself.

  17. About the 'poop stains " I saw in the dogs pen. It was just
    that " poop stains " , where it had not been thoroughly cleaned , just picked up with paper , thus leaving the stains on the floor!
    Nasty to say the least and as for " why not help them?"
    The owner is the one who pays employees to clean up , not
    those who enter the store to buy or look. If they can't keep
    it clean , then hire more help to do so or better yet, stop selling them !
    Adopt a Pet instead !

  18. This location has been doing this for years with cats.... This is where i got my cat 10 years ago, she was free, as long as i purchase $20 worth of kitty stuff. The staff was shocked that i spend $ 75... the staff, at the time, said most people only purchase the minimum. My kitty is doing well and went to a good home. I contacted the human society, they, at the time, gave me a gift card aka i purchased, that can only be used at certain vets, so i could get her fixed. I was told years back, the store was not allowed to give kittys away for free......

  19. Do you want the true whole story? Here is what REALLY happened. The crazy lady who started all this went into the store where a young lady at the register greeted her. After that the lady started yelling and demanded the employees give her the kittens including a four day old that was an employees personal kitten that was given to her since the momma died. She had to take it to work so she could feed it since they need to be fed every two hours. The lady started screaming and taking pictures and was asked to leave. She refused to leave and started recording the employees and continued to scream at them. After she finally left she followed customers out of the store and was yelling at them. One even had a young child with her who even told her mom " mommy there is a lady yelling at the workers". The employees called the police after the woman had left since they feared she would try to come back. Because of the way she acted and screamed the employees and customers were afraid, because if she was crazy enough to act like that, who knows what she would do. She even called the humane society before comming in and told them the humane society cats that the store carried were in the dark all day. Mind you, all this happened three minutes before closing so lights were turned off 30 minutes ago. Luckily the humane society called and questioned the employees right as the lady was screaming and leaving the store so he got to hear the way she acted. She even stayed parked upfront watching and recording the store for 20 minutes and left when the police came to ask the employees about what happened. So,she lied quite a lot. Come on,escorted out by police? Get another lie. The kittens in there also WERE 8 weeks and even eating hard food as well. Puppies were just cleaned so they were not dirty like she tried to say before.(puppy cages are cleaned 4 times a day and any extra times when an employee sees that it is a mess) Not only that,the lies that the puppies are from puppy mills is not true. Upon purchase of a puppy the buyer receives the breeder's address, name, and email to prove that they are not from mills and are bred by REPUTABLE breeders. If the humane society felt as though the humane society cats were mistreated, they would not give Super Pet the cats to carry. Also, most of the employees are actually going to school for veterinary of some sort and a lot of the employees have a lot of experience with animals, so yeah the employees care about them. THIS right here shows how one crazy person can go to Facebook and spread and tell lies and rumors and get a lot of UNINFORMED people to believe them. If someone feels as though the animals are mistreated they can always ask the employees questions and even volunteer to see for themselves how they really work there instead of believing lies. Dont believe everything you see online. And to mention about the smell... It's a pet shop... Its going to smell like animals. The cages get cleaned everyday. Empoyees are not going to see everytime an animal poops as there are a lot of customers throughout the day. Once they are aware of it they clean it up. But if not they won't, obviously. And as far as the rumors about puppies sleeping all day. They are taken out a lot to play in the play pen. They are babies, what do you think they would do? Have you ever seen a four-month old baby? All they do is sleep and eat and poop and sleep some more. The lady who started all of this mess is clearly disturbed and is uninformed as she came in for four minutes screaming at employees and customers was UNABLE to determine what age kittens were with just a glance while going on a rant. She should feel ashamed of herself to even be able to spread the lies and rumors when she doesn't even know herself what is going on.


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