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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Shameless: This Is Why Ralph Northam Has Zero Moral Authority To Hold Special Session On Gun Contro

Well, if there is one thing about Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam, he has zero sense of shame. In fact, that could be directed at the entirety of Virginia’s executive branch. Last week, there was a horrific shooting at Virginia Beach, where a former city employee shot and killed 12 people. The motive is still being investigated, but he was not fired or forced out. For what we know now, the perpetrator, DeWayne Craddock, randomly opened fire on his former workers in a senseless act of violence (via NYT):
DeWayne Craddock, an engineer who had worked for the City of Virginia Beach for about 15 years, notified his superiors on Friday that he intended to quit.
Then at around 4 p.m., he embarked on a rampage in Building No. 2 of the Virginia Beach Municipal Center, turning its offices and corridors into a battleground. When it was over, 12 people lay dead and Mr. Craddock was fatally wounded.

As the authorities on Sunday shared a more detailed accounting of the siege, they also acknowledged for the first time that the gunman’s employment had been nearing its end. But they said he had not been forced to resign.



  1. AGAIN. VIRGINIA SUCKS. The people. The jobs. The schools. When you allow your heritage to be erased. You a spineless POS. Now this IDIOT.

  2. 6:09
    Tell us what you really think

  3. Is honest discussion so bad?

  4. I knew Virginia sucked the time we drove through and saw all the Obozo/bite me signs in every yard a few years back...

    1. Your lying. Virginia has been won by every democrat for decades. Nice try though. Stay with the Lowlife's in Delaware. ANOTHER state with IDIOT Voter's.

  5. Going to be fun to see him do his Moon-walk dance in Blackface if he gets his bill passed! He might even kill a few babies as part of his celebration.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: I really can’t understand why “authorities” always look for a motive and are puzzled when they can’t find one. How about you just write it off an another minority attack based upon anger, resentment and envy because of their inability to adequately compete without our intervention. Rage builds up and the result is an attack such as this. See “Most Mass Shooters Are Black “ by Robert Hampton, American Renaissance, 06/07/2019. Very revealing.


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