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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Senate Democrats: Americans ‘Have Obligation’ to Give Amnesty to Foreigners

A group of Senate Democrats say American citizens “have an obligation” to give amnesty to potentially millions of foreign nationals living in the United States who they say have “earned the right” to be in the country.

After House Democrats and seven House Republicans passed an expansive amnesty to any illegal alien claiming to have arrived in the U.S. as a child, Senate Democrats are now demanding the Senate do the same.

Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Tim Kaine (D-VA) are urging the GOP-controlled Senate to pass their amnesty plan, which gives nearly half a million foreign nationals living in the U.S. on Temporary Protected Status (TPS) a pathway to American citizenship.

Cardin said in a statement that Americans are obligated to give foreign nationals permanent legal residency and eventually U.S. citizenship via an amnesty.

According to Cardin:


  1. No Ben... we DO NOT! The views and political BS coming from the democratic
    politicians in Annapolis, do not represent the Patriots
    of the eastern shore of MD. We will prevail...

  2. So if I rob a lot of banks, the dumbocrats believe that they should GIVE me a bank?????

  3. Let's see the list of things those non-citizens have done that "earns the right" to be in the U.S. Just saying so doesn't make it so.

  4. We are absolutely not obligated to amnesty to illegals

  5. He has a right to his opinion but that opinion is not what his constituents say, want or agree with! Not the majority anyhow.

  6. Here we go. Trying to rewrite the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS. INSANE.

  7. I am so ashamed of our country! What happened to being proud to be an American, what happened to being patriotic, what happened to American first? God can only help us now.

  8. Cardin, the idiot, knows nothing and is showing his stupidity. Nowhere is that stated. This applies only if the entered legal and fulfilled the legal obligations. In other words no illegal has this opportunity.

  9. We gave amnesty to 70,000 from Somalia and they elected the Sharia loving b!tch who says the US Constitution is invalid because of Islam's Sharia BS.

  10. Ben Cardin has an office at 212 West Main Street, Salisbury, He has never used this office, no one has ever been in this office, there is a sign that says were are out in the field... they have been in the field for 8 YEARS!!!!!!! Your Tax Dollar has been paying for this space which is completely furnished..... He needs to repay the Tax Payers every dime spent on this office!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Check it out for yourself

  11. Allowing all illegal aliens to vote will be next. It's the only way they can win elections anymore.

  12. Got News for them (Demon-crat Criminals )

    America Owes > NOTHING to them Period !!!

  13. 5:25 it has Already been Done !!! For Hillary

  14. Cardin, like Cummings are two Socialist Democrats out to destroy our way of life. I bet both of them have illegals working in their houses.

  15. Illegals Get 000000 of My tax $$$ / Benefits Period !!!

    if I can help it !!!! from (Real American )

    Send ALL the damn Millions of them BACK NOW !!!!!

    Make Dumocrats PAY for it too !!!


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