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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Secret Service Take Chicago Restaurant Employee into Custody After She Spits on Eric Trump

U.S. Secret Service took an employee of a Chicago restaurant into custody Tuesday evening after she spit on President Donald Trump’s son Eric Trump, the president’s son told Breitbart News.

“It was purely a disgusting act by somebody who clearly has emotional problems,” Eric Trump told Breitbart News when reached by phone late Tuesday evening. “For a party that preaches tolerance, this once again demonstrates they have very little civility. When somebody is sick enough to resort to spitting on someone, it just emphasizes a sickness and desperation and the fact that we’re winning.”

Eric Trump spoke to Breitbart News late Tuesday evening after local news reporters revealed what happened.



  1. This is truly disgusting. The left have lost their minds.

    Classy of him not to press charges...not sure I would have been that kind.

  2. Spit in my face I consider that attempted Murder and I will drop you were you stand.

    1. Lol. I doubt that old friend

    2. @845 you dont even know

  3. If she can find anyone wishing to hire her vile ways, she can always flip burgers or go to Congress like AOC.

  4. Emotional problems? I think a baseball bat adjustment would fix that.

  5. Party of tolerance and inclusion tho...

  6. Spit on me and the next thing you spit is your teeth.Oh,and have a good day.

  7. Three to five years in Federal Prison. Nice...

  8. spit contains bodily fluids like Aids, ect

    at a minimum, they should be charged with assault and battery....looking at 10+ years in jail

  9. That a democrat for you. They are all so low class and primal. And this goes for every single one of them. Good decent moral people are not ever democrats.

  10. 302, where should we start?

    1) AIDS, is a disease, not a fluid
    2) You mean HIV. And it's already long been shown contact with saliva is not an effective transmission route
    3) There are already plenty of laws against spitting in most states. Most are misdemeanors with max sentences of 30 to 90 days in jail.

    What is scary is that you people who scream the loudest are quite uninformed. Even worse, you actually vote.


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