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Sunday, June 02, 2019

Salisbury Mayoral Candidate Wayne King Delivers Website/Platform

It is time to bring "Transparent Common Sense Leadership" to the City of Salisbury. I am not a politician nor a bureaucrat. I am running as Mayor to take this runaway train and put it back on the tracks. Crime, Safety, and the Economy will be my main focus; and being transparent will be my mantra. Being an outsider, the King administration will not play favorites and I am not part of the "Good 'Ole Boys Network." We will prioritize what needs to be done. And believe me, I will not be thinking about chain link fences or a mural when we have a gang problem in our city. I will run Salisbury like a business, a successful business. 

To read Wayne's platform and biography go to:


  1. God bless you Mr King wishing you nothing but success. Jake Day has literally turned Salisbury into his personal playground for himself and all of his friends. His father should be disgusted being a so called leader of a top nationally acclaimed business

  2. Just copied/pasted to facebook. Readers Do The Same Now.

  3. It would be nice to finally have a King as our Mayor instead of a queen

  4. Maybe I missed the info! Married, family etc. ?

    1. Nope, you didn't miss a thing. The trolls didn't miss anything either....

  5. 8:17am - Amen! I don't give a (hoot) about paddleboarding in a sewage filled river, biking around town, walking trails (and getting mugged) having a bunch of drunks have places to hang around downtown, etc. All which is the only thing Jakey works on.

  6. The issue with Salisbury PD isn’t just a pay issue, the bigger issue is lack of morale. They’re offering $10k signing bonuses and recruitment is still bad. Give the officers a leader they respect and an environment they WANT to work in and I bet you your retention problem will be solved. And when you solve the retention problem and are able to keep strong, qualified officers who are engaged, the community will be a much better place. Jake Day doesn’t seem to want to make the changes that are necessary in the Salisbury PD, but I’m willing to bet if that’s part of your platform then you will get the votes. Talk to the officers and the FOP and they will tell you what needs to change.

    1. I am more than aware of the issues you are bringing up. If the PD reads my crime platform they will understand how things will change when I am elected. Morale will be increased 10 fold with me as mayor. Team Blue has a lot of work to do... Team Blue pride WILL BE RESTORED!!


  7. We need this same kind of fresh politician in the County elected offices as well.

    Having seen a stupid stunt the Bob Culver recently pulled - I hope he doesn't run for reelection!

    1. I want to know what the update on the 3 million gallons sludge tank is ?

  8. What brought Mr King to Salisbury? Does he have a job? Have any family? Just curious

  9. That is one part of the problem around here...if you are not one of the
    Good 'Ole Boys Network, its very difficult. Years ago, I was involved in a local court case and because I was not from the Eastern Shore that
    was one stroke against me. Would not matter if the other person involved did
    wrong, they were still going to be the one coming out smelling like a rose! I have been here over 40 years now and it would probably still be difficult to be up against a local Eastern Shore/Salisbury born and raised individual. I wish Mr. King nothing but the best as I do agree we need to put Salisbury back on track.

  10. If you read my website you would understand. Here I have the best of both worlds... To me. We live minutes away from the country and the ocean is 30 minutes away. Salisbury has similar demographics as my home on Long Island. Plus, I really like the people here.
    I am single with no children. Got close, but no cigar. My immediate family is large, but since they aren't running for Mayor, their lives are none of anyone's business. It's not like you would know them. They all live in the Northeast.
    Now let's keep the conversation to politics. My personal life is private. I see how the media attacks people's family members and I find it disgusting. So don't bother asking, and I don't supply hints.

  11. If you really want to fix Salisbury dissolve the city government and incorporate it with the county. City residents fund the same basic services twice. It just does not make sense.

  12. Mr. King, with all due respect, nobody is asking for your family's names, addresses and social security numbers. It is a reasonable question to ask about the background of a person who just moved to the area three years ago. Picture yourself as a longtime resident of a small town and some person who had recently moved in from a different state suddenly decided to run for mayor. Certainly you would want to know some more about this person, their background, their motives, and their sources of financing.

  13. Mr King demand a INVESTIGATION into the mayors office for SPD fudging crime stats.

  14. Mr. King tell us how you feel about all this gay pride crap going on in our town, i.e painting rainbows on street intersections, gay pride on the plaza, etc.

  15. June 2, 2019 at 5:19 PM
    Really? And how well do you know your neighbors who have lived here all their lives?

    Fact is you have a small circle of friends that you know and anything else you know about others is purely gossip.

    Typical small town small mind mentality which has kept this place nothing but crime ridden and stagnant.


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