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Saturday, June 22, 2019

REPORT: It Will Cost $600,000 To Cover Up George Washington Mural That 'Traumatized' San Fran High School Students

Robby Soave at Reason Magazine reports that the San Francisco Unified School District will meet next week to discuss which of three "cover up" options is best for the mural, "The Life of Washington," which graces the foyer of George Washington High School. They'll decide whether to paint over the mural at a cost of $600,000, hide it behind paneling at a cost of $875,000, or hide it behind curtains (for the low, low price of just $300,000).

As Soave points out, that money could go to any number of important initiatives or even to hiring more teachers — the middle option, a $600,000 paint job, could support one newly hired SFUSD teacher for more than six years (SFUSD is currently experiencing a teacher shortage) — but a 13-member working group, tasked with scrubbing SFUSD of controversial historical monuments and materials says the school has no choice but to jettison the work of art.

The painting "glorifies slavery, genocide, colonization, manifest destiny, white supremacy, oppression" and "doesn't represent SFUSD values of social justice, diversity, united, student-centered," the working group said in a report issued earlier this year.



  1. Well, then, kids, leave it up as a reminder of all you DON'T want to be.

  2. Today's version of book burning.
    Nothing more, nothing less.

  3. This is the new generation that has been trained to erase our history so they can abolish our Constitution. They continue to spew out the Leftist narratives to push their agenda. They have been brainwashed and are now a generation of no common sense imbeciles.

  4. I will be happy to take that painting off there hands. I am willing to pay for shipping.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: Idiots. No matter what you do or how many of our cultural symbols you remove or destroy, you can’t erase history.
    You will, however push your agenda beyond limits of tolerance and there will be a serious backlash and as momentum increase there will be no stopping it. You will regret your uncivilized behavior.


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