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Monday, June 24, 2019

Reparations: Democrats Scam and Insult Blacks Again

A congressional hearing was held on a bill to study reparations for blacks as payback for slavery. Reparations is simply another worm Democrat presidential candidates will put on the hook of their fishing rods to catch black votes.

I am a black man who is proud, grateful, and understands how blessed I am to be born an American. My response to the Democrats' reparations scam is, “Please stop!”. Please stop telling black Americans that we are crippled, inferior and are helpless children who can only succeed via government handouts, lowered standards and special concessions. Just stop it!

The Civil War effectively ended slavery in 1863. After eight years of Americans making a black man the leader of the free world, Democrats are absurdly claiming blacks are suffering the negative repercussions of slavery and deserve a check. These people (Democrats) are evil, divisive, race-baiting and race-exploiting con artists.

In Maryland in the early 1950s, my late dad was among a handful of blacks who broke the color barrier to become Baltimore City firefighters. Despite humiliating racism within the fire department, Dad won “Firefighter of the Year” two times. Dad didn't desire reparations or insulting lowered standards. All Dad and his fellow young black trailblazers desired was an opportunity to compete.

In the 1980s, I was promoted to supervisor of the art department at WJZ-TV, ABC affiliate TV station in Baltimore. Democrat friends attempted to rob me of the pride and dignity of my achievement. They demeaned my promotion, claiming it was due to affirmative action. I was insulted. My promotion was the result of being the most qualified. No brag. Just facts.

But this is what Democrats relentlessly do to blacks; always sending us the subliminal message that we don't quite measure up.

For example: When Democrats say requiring a photo ID to vote disenfranchises black voters, Democrats are really saying we are stupid, inferior to other Americans. Black Americans should be outraged.



  1. Very good article coming from someone who has some "skin" in the game. Democrats for many years have been at the root of most of the racial divisiveness; check the facts. Promises of reparations (already) in the form of entitlements that have gone on and on and have for so many become a way of life passed down generations. These "reparations" (entitlements) have stereotyped Blacks as lazy, uneducated, and always with a hand out. From this article it is obvious they just want to blend in and be productive for the most part. Dr. Ben Carson has tried to change that as head of HUD but is swimming against the liberal left current of obstruction.

  2. Dems = Zionist Communists

    They want all of the races fighting

  3. They've been that way forever. It's just the old guard knew how to peddle that bull$hit with cunning like a fox. These new age young dumbocrats are so full of themselves and arrogant, they really think people buy that $hit, because they live in a bubble of their own making. Plus the people they represent are a bunch of dumba$$es, so they think the nation as a whole is like that. They learned nothing from Trump's election.

  4. Where is my reparation for my college loans and affirmative action against me?

  5. Reparations are just bait to keep blacks on their Democratic plantation.


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