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Monday, June 24, 2019

Hidden Clue On Website Belonging To Ilhan Omar’s Sister Adds To Evidence About Marriage History

Rep. Ilhan Omar swore under oath in a 2017 divorce filing that she hadn’t seen her husband Ahmed N. Elmi in six years and didn’t know anyone who might be able to locate him — yet he appears to have designed a website for Omar’s sister this year, according to data hidden in the source code of that website.

The Democratic Minnesota congresswoman swore that she had not been able to locate the man she married — who the Minneapolis Star Tribune says may or may not be her brother — since 2011. She swore she didn’t know the names of anyone in her husband’s family and that the two had no mutual acquaintances who might know how to contact him.

According to Elmi’s Facebook profile, after attending college in North Dakota he moved to England and then to Nairobi, Kenya — the same city where Omar’s sister, Sahra Noor, lives and works as CEO of Grit Partners. Grit Partners’ website code contains data that indicates Elmi was involved in the creation of either the company’s website or its Instagram account.

The ties between Omar’s supposedly long-lost ex-husband and Omar’s sister appear to contradict Omar’s sworn testimony and add to the body of evidence that the ex-husband may be her brother, making all three siblings.



  1. well lie and deceive thats what luciferian democrats do!!

  2. She should go to prison. Just like Manford.

  3. once a lying pos always a lying pos

  4. Sounds like not only a violation of law but severe ethics violation that should have her resign / removed from Congress.

    1. Never happen she is a female Muslim Dem.

  5. We try hard to not think the worst of anyone, but that's sometimes a tall order.

  6. Too many minority classifications for anything to happen to her. She is a woman, a Muslim, of different ethnicity, and finally a left wing socialist. No legal institution is going to go after that.

  7. Her parents are top members of the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist org.

  8. 3 Muslims in Congress now
    3 more in 2 yrs
    6 more in two years
    12 more .... Seeeeee where I'm going ?

  9. Maybe someone with deep pockets can hire a private eye to track down her first husband, get his DNA from a coffee cup, cigarette butt or what ever and do the same with her. Should be interesting.


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