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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Question of The Day 6-11-19

What would you ask to him when you answer? 

Rude comments will NOT be posted.


  1. Do you enjoy making the Dems crazy?

  2. Are the piping plovers really endangered?

  3. When are we going to get our wall? All of it.

  4. You promised a better, more affordable health care program. Why do we have to wait till re-electing you to even hear the details of it?

  5. I would just thank him and let him know that there is a silent majority in this country who support him and will be there at the polls voting for him. And to keep up the good work - it is appreciated.

  6. Will you come to my house for dinner Your Honor ?

  7. I would just thank him for sacrificing he and his family's life for the good of our Country. He could have been taking it easy enjoying the good life and not be suddenly called a racist and bigot and have his children and wife attacked but decided to take it all on. Thank you sir. I am proud of you and thank you and may God Bless you and your beautiful family!

  8. Can I work for you and your administration?

  9. If he knew then what he knows now, would he have run for President is the U. S.?
    ( I’m glad he did)

  10. God Bless you President Trump...

  11. When will Hillary be prosecuted?

  12. When is Hillary going to prison?

  13. Are you getting enough exercise? We want you around for years to come.

  14. Anonymous said...
    You promised a better, more affordable health care program. Why do we have to wait till re-electing you to even hear the details of it?

    June 11, 2019 at 7:38 AM

    Maybe because he has been fighting uphill ever since he was sworn in? Even still, just think how much MORE Trump could have gotten down if demoncrats would co-operate.

  15. What will you do in your second term to address the highest budget deficits and debt in our nations history?

  16. Why not take the high road and loose the Twitter account ?

    1. 9:22 Twitter is the only means he has of letting the public know the truth, can't trust the news media anymore for bring honest and accurate

  17. Can I waterboard the Dem Traitors can at Gitmo for FREE.

  18. Do you know who Q is? Trump 2Q2Q!
    Is JFK Jr. alive?

    1. Q stands for queer
      No Trump 2Q2Q
      Yes Trump 2020
      JFK Jr was killed in a plane crash

    2. And taxpayers paid to have the late JFK Jr and his wife and airplane pulled from the water - why??? Never understood why. Just what did he do for our country - produce George.

  19. Do you think we will have a civil war , should I purchase more ammo?

  20. When will you resign ?

    This is not rude

  21. 1035 politics aside, if you think Trump is really posting/stating the Truth on twitter or most other times he speaks, you are stuck on a special kind of stupid. Support the man because he is pushing for the platform you support. But you are lying to yourself if you think he is actually speaking the truth on twitter. Or maybe you are just to dim to pull up the facts yourself.

  22. How come Hillary and Obama have not been charged with Treason ?

  23. CEO's of colleges make between $4 and 6 million plus all the golden perks that go with the job. Then there are endless and mostly useless administrators and board members who profit from business transactions with the colleges.
    This is why college is so expensive. PS, the same goes with hospitals. For example the now disgraced UMMC CEO quit his $4.2 million a year job because he and the others directors (including former Mayor Pugh) were caught in illegal contracts.
    If we can clean up these money merry go round crooks then maybe college and health care costs could be reduced.

  24. New phone, who dis?

  25. Thank you for your service to our country.

  26. What is your plan to replace the affordable care act when you repeal it

  27. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for Saving America !!!!

    We will give you 4 terms !!!! Keep up the Great Work !!!!

    You will WIN in a Landslide next time !!!!!

    Keep Cleaning OUT the swamp !!!!! Alot more to go !!!!

  28. Send Demon-crats back to HELL where they Belong !!!!

  29. Attack the damn Dems , Oust them all from power !!!!!


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