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Sunday, June 02, 2019

Pray For Our President



  1. We need to pray for President Trump. Never has a president been persecuted as much as this man. We are in a battle between good and evil that has never been more apparent than now!

  2. We need to pray for the evil Democrats that God will forgive them for their evil deeds. Obama comes to mind - for misleading Americas; Comey for his lies and misconduct; Mueller for purposely using taxpayers money to entrap Trump; Schiff for his lies and many others.

    1. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. John 8:7. Both parties need prayer as do the rest of us in this evil world.

  3. Praying for our president today and daily...He Needs our Prayers.

  4. DemocRATs are the new Domestic terrorists.

  5. We should be praying he figures out this economy. I trusted him and stayed in the market and have not had losses like this since GWB. This trade war is ridiculous. We can't retool and fire up manufacturing and create living wage jobs for the unskilled on a whim. People will just keep shopping and pay more for the same old crap. Meanwhile those of us that have bought and invested in America all along are taking a hit. While he uses his family and administration and access to continually further his global business interests like a kid in a candy shop. He may get a second term but this is not going down in history as anything more than a warning for the stupid.

  6. Trump and his administration need our prayers every day. The hatred shown by the democrats have been unprecedented toward this President. They are blatantly biased and playing political games to try to stay in power instead of working for the people.

  7. 2:45, smell the coffee. First of all, Trump had to divest himself from his business. Secondly we are spending huge $$$ for entitlements because people refuse to work. Why should they. Trump is trying to bring industry back to insure the U.S. remains a player. It is bitter medicine we must swallow from inadequacies of prior administrations.

  8. "..Meanwhile those of us that have bought and invested in America all along are taking a hit.."

    Well, sorry about that, but it isn't about you and your wealth, 2:45. And actually, that's a big part of the problem-- people who are more worried about themselves than what is best for this country. We have been nearly destroyed by the power-lust of the leftists, and Mr Trump is doing his dead-level best to right the ship, despite the endless attacks and sniping from all sides. Imagine arriving for your day's work, knowing that all hell is arrayed against you, and that it will probably only get worse as they dream up new lies for their media minions to spread.

    I am very thankful that this post was put up this morning, reminding us to PRAY for our President. When I did, I immediately felt the power of God moving, like there was a tidal wave of prayer going up for the President. I truly believe he is the one that God has placed there at this time, giving us one last opportunity to do what is right.
    We are all having to endure some difficulty as a result of the things he is having to do to bring this country back from the brink, but WE WILL BE OK. And if you will hang in there, you will be, too.

    There are many of us who have put everything on the line to defend this country, and I hope you won't mind if we cheer our President on as he shows the world just how we got to be the place where millions of people are risking everything to come to.

    This is a defining monent in history. Watch and pray.

    1. awesome post 820

      .. ... great prayer thoughts

  9. God should intervene if my calculations are correct.Remember the meet us halfway promise?

  10. BwahahahaLOL

    909, you do realize JFK was shot dead right? Reagan also took a bullet. But don't let history get in your way.

    You guys are clearly drunk off your butt on the kool aid on a Sunday morning if you think folks like Mueller who are Vets and have impeccable service records are the bad guys, especially considering all the proven lies that have come out of this admin.


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