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Monday, June 10, 2019

Philadelphia To Ban Balconies And Bay Windows; “Symbols Of Gentrification”

In Philadelphia, city councilman Kenyatta Johnson has pushed for the city to ban balconies and bay windows from new apartments and condos, saying that they are a “symbol of gentrification” that causes anxiety, as he criticizes the new housing developments being built in the city.
Johnson, who represents much of South Philadelphia, introduced a bill during City Council’s May 23 session that would ban balconies and bay windows across Point Breeze and Grays Ferry. The two architectural features would still be allowed outside of those two neighborhoods, but according to the bill, the distance from which they can project from a building would continue to be regulated.

Johnson’s legislation comes amid unprecedented change in his district, which stretches from the fast-gentrifying neighborhoods of Graduate Hospital and Point Breeze, to areas farther south and west, including the Navy Yard and Eastwick. Thousands of new rowhouses have been built, adding taller and showier structures to older and modest rowhouse blocks. The boxy, bump-out bay windows that Johnson aims to legislate have become a well-known architectural feature of Philadelphia’s construction boom, just as aluminum siding and roof decks have.



  1. You just can't make this shit up! At least she didn't come out and say it's a symbol of "whitism"

  2. Tell her to STFU.

  3. City also needs to ban paychecks for these idiots. Paychecks are a symbol of Capitalism and greed, bet they're not against that though.

    1. Isnt it amazing? They curse capitalism on possible moment, yet they spend, spend, spend, and still cant figure out why there is capitalism... hilarious!

  4. Heaven forbid we allow hard working people the liberty to enjoy their property. Wouldnt want to offed the lazy and entitled.

  5. We used to be free

  6. Who the Hell wants to live in that Sh!thole!

  7. Look, this is evidence that Ocean City has some better elected officials than Jake Day, Manure Boda and the rest of the Libtards on the City Council.

    Ocean City bans dockless bikes, scooters
    June 10, 2019 Brooke Butler

    OCEAN CITY, Md. – Dockless bikes and scooters, popular in places like Baltimore and Washington D.C., are not coming to Ocean City this summer or in the future.

    The Resort Town voted to ban the service because they believe it would present safety issues.

    They say they know the service has been causing problems in other cities because people often leave the bikes and scooters unattended in the middle of roads and sidewalks.

    To prioritize pedestrian and motorist safety, the town figured going without the service would be best in the end.

    Ocean City Public Information Officer Jessica Waters said, “So the council really took a proactive approach and because there are so many problems regulating them, they decided that before we got into a situation where we had a business, right now we don’t have any businesses that rent those, to just go ahead and just outlaw them altogether.”

    It’s not all bad news for bikers, the town does still allow rentals along the boardwalk.

  8. The elimination of front porches overlooking the streets has contributed to the downfall of America.

  9. She has too much time on her hands. Instead of introducing bills against such insignificant things, how about focusing on the real problems in South Philly, like crime, murder, gangs, etc?

  10. Then connect all the buildings with tunnels. Never let them outside. Yeah, normal city behavior. Living like the rats that they are.


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