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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Pelosi On Immigrants: ‘Violation Of Status Is Not A Reason For Deportation’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Monday that a violation of immigration status should not be a reason to deport someone illegally living in the U.S.

At an event in New York, Pelosi recalled a recent phone call with President Donald Trump, where the two reportedly spoke about the Democrats desire to delay scheduled deportations. On the phone call, Pelosi reportedly told Trump that “a violation of status is not a reason for deportation,” saying there are over 10 million people who could face deportation.

“I said ‘a violation of status is not a reason for deportation,’ that’s just not so,” Pelosi said she told Trump. “If you have some case you want to make about somebody who’s been accused … that has nothing to do with violation of status, because then we’re talking about over 10 million people who may be subjected to this treatment, and what we need there is comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship.”



  1. She needs to be ARRESTED.

  2. Actually it is, Nancy.

  3. Joe post this ?
    Welcome to dabury you commit a crime we commit to fudging it.

  4. What part of the word illegal don’t they understand?

  5. Simple any indication of violation of status send them all to Pelosi house surrounded by your high fence compound, you can also educate them, feed them, provide insurance for them, house them and pay them. We have no problem with Pelosi taking care of the whole matter and when she winds up deceased we can say she got just what she asked for, no tears from us.

  6. Violation of her oath of office should be cause for deportation.

  7. But Pelosi and the Democrats wants us to pay reparation for the 17th century slave owners. lol

  8. So, Nancy, what's this plan you're always going on about? You've been the Queen of Congress twice now and haven't gotten a damned thing done except play a crap game of partisan checkers.

  9. dont you all get it yet..the Luciferians are on the loose, and they are as thick as thieves.

  10. ILLEGAL is a "Reason" to DEPORT !!! Every one of them

    & Take her with them !!!! Anti American / Traitor


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