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Monday, June 17, 2019

On Father’s Day, Kamala Harris Compares Military Dads to Illegal Aliens and Criminals

Democratic Party presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (CA) posted Father’s Day greetings to Twitter on Sunday comparing deployed military fathers who are away from their children on Father’s Day to illegal aliens and accused criminals.

Harris listed them in presumed order of dearness to her heart, putting US military dads third behind first-in-her heart illegal aliens and accused criminals who can’t make bail.
“Today I’m thinking of the fathers who can’t be with their children because they were ripped from their sons and daughters at the border. The fathers who can’t celebrate today because they can’t afford bail. The fathers who are deployed. Don’t forget them. #FathersDay”



  1. Her grand parents owned slaves in Jamaica.

  2. Melt down snowflake. Melt down

  3. She is disgusting. Good Democrat and anti-American. Can't we deport her somewhere?

  4. She likes that word, "ripped". She uses it a lot, except when a baby is ripped from a mother before birth.

  5. Fathers who are deployed are true Americans. Others have broken our laws and need to be deported. And politicians who are breaking our laws need to be removed from office. After all, they are not upholding our Constitution, as they said they would do under oath.

  6. What a total hack. People accuse Trump for not being presidential; this is? Someone should explain to her how great America is and made so on the backs of the thousands of GIs who bravely fought to make it so keeping the enemy at arms length. Also, illegals are flocking here because we are a great country with laws and structure and one based on productivity not entitlement.

  7. Treasonous Whore.

  8. The face of the Libby party you'd like to punch...

  9. For someone that 'blew' her way to the top, she should STFU and go away!


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