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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Ocean City doubles receptacles for cigarette butts

After finalizing placement parameters, Ocean City has more than doubled the number of cigarette “butt huts” being installed on street ends west of the Boardwalk in an effort to recycle one of the most common forms of litter on the planet.

Public Works Director Hal Adkins said since the city was awarded a $2,000 grant from the Worcester County Health Department last November, the city has worked with the Maryland Coastal Bays Program to see discarded butts land in a better place that does not involve littering the roadways or floating out into area waters.

Adkins said his department had constructed 40 cigarette butt huts, which are similar to those located along the beach, but has ramped up production following a review of possible locations.



  1. Why are we wasting money to accommodate smokers ? They will cost us enough when they are dying in the health care system.

  2. Gas stations buy them all the time from internet sites
    Fairly cheap but sturdy plastic devices

  3. How about money for OT for cops to bust up the HOODRATS from De PA My ?

  4. My comment has nothing to do with cigarette butt containers but how much smokers cost the American taxpayers. When I worked for the Federal government in DC, smokers were allowed time to have a cigarette outside of the office. My coworker took a cigarette break every hour for 20 minutes or more each day. Tally that up. In addition it was a meeting place for other smokers who would shsre information (or gossip). Now these people where getting paid to smoke and gossip. They also knew everything that was going on in the building. Yet since I didn't smoke I was in charge of holding down the fort so to speak. However, if I left my desk for lunch or bathroom break, it was always "where is she". Go figure. US Govt at it's finest.

  5. I see lots of those bums that are on the Boardwalk digging thru those to get butts out to resmoke! Degusting!

  6. As a smoker I have rights to. I am respectful when smoking in public areas and not around children I also pay for my health and life insurance at higher rate so you are not paying for me dear. Side note it’s ok to pay for illegals. Where lunch is concerned I don’t take a full lunch in order 2 take 2 15 min to smoke as do many of my fellow leper’s so shut it.

  7. Smokers tip more just saying

  8. 12:15 -
    Agree mostly. However, governments are addicted to the tax revenues tobacco generates. How much taxpayer money is spent on alcohol abuse and disease ? Why are they allowed to advertise everywhere ? During the MSA Agreement of 1998, governments were to spend a large % of money on smoking cessation programs. Only 30% on average is spent on that. Hyprocrites !

  9. "My comment has nothing to do with cigarette butt containers but how much smokers cost the American taxpayers."

    You are exactly ON with your comment. My wife is a retired nurse and the hospital she worked at gave "smoke breaks" to the addicted which I always thought was wrong. Why not simply give BONUS pay to those that do not take a smoke break.

    As recent as yesterday, I sat and watched an OC Bus driver standing at the open door of his/her bus puffing and reading a local paper. Why do Public Works employees get to smoke wherever they want but not visitors? I also spotted a Supervisor in the area that didn't appear to notice the employee smoker. Even the homeless people seem to recognize the no smoke policy but now OC employees.

  10. suck it up buttercup...a break is a break. some take walks..what do you do on your break?

  11. I just love ciggy-butt talk. Been a waste of many years with Rickie and City Fail trying to herd the public with too many rules/regulations from Memorial to Labor Day weekend.

    Nationally people are quitting/stopping smoking, local/state gov'ts have taxed ciggy-butts to death and now raised the age to smoke to 21.

    Stop wasting money Rickie since the problem is ridding itself. Plus its a non-conversation piece since it exposes both sides to stupidity.

    Wanna talk about a real waste, the $7M fence down Coastal Highway to prevent drunks from dying is a starter!!!!!!


  12. suck it up buttercup...a break is a break. some take walks..what do you do on your break

    Buttercup? I for one doesn't smoke and its none of your business what I do for break. An illegal smoker should not force their 2nd hand smoke on me, period. Doesn't like, let them get another job.


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