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Friday, June 07, 2019

NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio insists anti-Semitism is strictly 'from the right'

New York City mayor and presidential candidate Bill de Blasio claimed this week that the spike in anti-Semitic attacks in his city and beyond can be entirely attributed to the "right-wing movement," drawing ire even from his fellow Democrats.

According to the New York Post, hate crimes are up 64 percent in The Big Apple from this time last year, and anti-Semitic attacks have risen by 90 percent.

Speaking at a news conference in Brooklyn on Tuesday to address the issue, de Blasio said, "I think the ideological movement that is anti-Semitic is the right-wing movement," The Post reported.

When a reporter reminded the mayor that anti-Semitism is also rising "on the left in the BDS movement and around the world," de Blasio dismissed that claim, saying, "I want to be very, very clear, the violent threat, the threat that is ideological is very much from the right."



  1. More lies to make people believe their insane tactics to win elections. It is the Democrats who are the true deplorables.

  2. Truth:
    Anti-Semitism was invented by the globalist bankers to hide their crimes during WWII.

    1. Truth:You are a complete moron saying such an idiotic statement!

  3. One of nyc's finest.....DeLOUSYO

  4. Why do people hate Jews? Skin color? Someone help me out.

  5. I agree with 520 you should read about it.
    Bankers financed the war on both sides
    Goal was to establish Israel
    Read the Balfour Declaration letter to Rothschild
    They murdered the Jews to convince them to go live in the desert and leave beautiful Europe
    Rich elite jews killing poor jews
    very sad

  6. DeBlasio is a moron. Enough said.


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